Zig-zag horseshoe with shooting


1-2 minutes

  • Players will start (without a puck) in each corner and skate forward in a zig-zag making a 4-5 quick cuts up the ice. Players will turn around the offside face-off dots and then turn to receive a pass from a player waiting at the opposing side of the horseshoe, then attack the net.
  • Knee stacked over ankle at cut
  • Keep head up
  • Perform quick accelerations at each zig-zag cut
  • Knee caving in on change of direction
    • Cue “Knee over pinky toeâ€
  • Looking down at the ice
    • Cue "Keep head up"
  • Full stops at change-of-direction during zig-zag movements
    • Cue "Quick transitions"
  • Increases heart and breathing rates
  • Practices a non-linear skating pattern
  • Isolates deceleration and change of direction movement to practice knee and ankle control