Partner bobbleheads with stick handling
Level: 2
15-30 seconds
- Start in an athletic stance (bent knees and hips, chest up) and begin stick handling
- Maintain a neutral head/neck position
- Partner uses two fingers to provide slight force to nudge the athlete's head while the athlete resists the movement
- Nudge from various directions
- Allowing head/neck to move out of neutral line with the rest of the body
- Cue: "Long, strong neck"
- Pushing too hard
- Cue "Use slight taps"
- Looking down at the ring
- Cue "Keep your head up"
- Activates the neck muscles to stabilize the head, preparing for the physical demands and contact nature of ringette
- Neck strength may be associated with reduced concussion risk
- Reinforces safe, neutral neck position in a ringette-specific position