Partner mirroring


Level: 2

15-30 seconds

  • Soft bend at hips and knees
  • Knees stacked over ankle
  • Toes, knees and hips facing forward relative to trunk position
  • Absorb landing from ball of the foot to heel
  • Turning the lead foot outwards
    • Cue "Toes face straight ahead"
  • Feet hitting together
    • Cue "Keep feet apart"
  • Staying up on the toes with each step
    • Cue "Soft, quiet landing"
    • Cue "Sit back into the hips"
  • Reaction drill increases intensity and cognition prior to on-ice session
  • Increases heart and breathing rates
  • Movement in the frontal plane (sideways)
  • Incorporates a change of direction movement
  • Develops knee control