Stationary lunge with partner claps
Level: 1
Carla van den Berg
- Knee stacked over ankle
- Both feet pointing forward
- Torso upright
- Reach arm across body while rotating from thoracic spine (mid back) to clap partner's hand
- Rotate slowly and with control. Movement should be fluid.
- Eyes should follow hand throughout the movement
- Partner's hands positioned further forward will be easier, positioned further back will be more challenging
- Knee collapsing inward, especially when rotating to the side opposite the bent knee
- Cue "Look down: Can you see the inside of your front foot (arch)?"
- Cue "Push knee out towards pinky toe"
- Back foot twisting
- Cue "Point toes straight ahead"
- Rotating too quickly
- Cue "Turn slowly"
- Cue "Keep eyes following hand"
- Knee control
- Ankle stability
- Glute and quad activation & strength
- Thoracic spine mobility