Forward zig-zag run (Controlled)

Category: Aerobic

Level: 1

  • Pause on outside leg for 1-2 seconds at direction change before pushing off into opposite direction
  • Soft bend at hips and knees
  • Knees stacked over ankle
  • Trunk angle similar to shin angle
  • Arms move forward with opposing leg; movement is initiated from the shoulder
  • Elbows flexed at 90-degrees
  • Knee caving in on change of direction
    • Cue “Knee over pinky toeâ€
  • Lazy arms
    • Cue “Swing from the shoulderâ€
    • Cue “Drive elbows backâ€
  • Arm and knee from same side moving together
    • Cue “Opposite arm and kneeâ€
  • Increases heart and breathing rates
  • Isolates deceleration and change of direction movement to practice knee control
  • Trains proper running mechanics