
Psychosocial Factors and the Effects of a Structured Injury Prevention Workshop on Coaches' Self-Efficacy to Implement the 11+ Exercise Program

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Prevention of Ankle Sprain Injuries in Youth Soccer and Basketball: Effectiveness of a Neuromuscular Training Program and Examining Risk Factors

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Impact of the FIFA 11+ on the structure of select muscles in adolescent female soccer players

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The effect of coach and player injury knowledge, attitudes and beliefs on adherence to the FIFA 11+ programme in female youth soccer

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Evaluation of how different implementation strategies of an injury prevention programme impact team adherence & injury risk in female youth football

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High adherence to a neuromuscular injury prevention programme improves functional balance & reduces injury risk in Canadian youth female football

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The effectiveness of a neuromuscular prevention strategy to reduce injuries in youth soccer: a cluster-randomised controlled trial

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