SIPRC Studies

SIPRC has long been involved in an intensive program of research with the aim of reducing the risk of sport and recreation injuries. We have conducted many studies to examine risk factors for injury, develop injury prevention strategies, and understand the best way to implement new prevention initiatives in sport and recreation settings.

Concussion Studies

SHRed Concussions

Learn about the Study

Concussion Rehabilitation Studies

Concussion Rehabilitation

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Heat, Cold, Pressure Pain Thresholds

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Simply Rehab

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Rehabilitation Studies

Adapted Sport and Recreation Camps and Programs

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Cerebral Palsy

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The Driving Study

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Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

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PrE-OA Ankle

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PrE-OA Knee

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PrE-OA Pilot RCT

Learn about the Study

SHRed Consequences of Concussion

Learn about the Study

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