Ways to give

Ways to give.

As one of Canada's youngest universities, the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà continues to refine its reputation as a research and entrepreneurial hub. Rooted in it's community, UCalgary connects passionate, philanthropic visionaries set on fueling future change and supports genuine partnerships that creates generational and economical impact in our community, and beyond.

Azrieli Accelerator

Azrieli Foundation giftted the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà $25 million dollars to help build on the university’s established excellence in life sciences, brain and mental health, and child health research, as well as its reputation for the best research facilities and leadership in microbiome research in Canada. The decision to support UCalgary as the next partner came after the Foundation embarked on an extensive national scoping exercise. This highlighted UCalgary's commitment to world-class researchers in multiple fields, an institutional philosophy of thinking outside traditional academic silos and to effectively implement innovative initiatives.

The will transform neurodevelopment research across the lifespan through collaborative and transdisciplinary teams committed to improving the lives of all those affected by neurodevelopmental disabilities. Funding provided by the Azrieli Accelerator will allow research teams to hit the ground running on big, bold projects that will pull together teams from multiple disciplines — ranging from medical and social sciences to technology and policy — to think about neurodevelopmental disabilities and neurodiversity in a holistic way.

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What is its purpose?

The Azrieli Accelerator cultivates and launches research that can have a positive impact in the lives of children, teens and adults with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families.

replica of a brain

Community impact

From pediatric-brain imaging to gut-brain axis research, learn more about the different initiatives that the Azrieli Accelerator is supporting.


Be part of the change

Up to $5 million of this gift from the Azrieli Foundation has been designated as matching funds, to encourage other supporters to join this trailblazing initiative.

Transforming neurodevelopment research across the lifespan

A $25-million gift to the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà from the  will establish the Azrieli Accelerator, which will transform neurodevelopment research across the lifespan. The potential for further impact is possible with up to $5 million of the gift designated as matching funds.

UCalgary is already a long-established global research leader in neurodevelopment, known for excellence in research regarding brain and mental health, and child health and wellness. The new Azrieli Accelerator will drive further understanding of neurodevelopmental disabilities and accelerate interdisciplinary research leading to groundbreaking therapies and programs.

Learn more about

Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking

The Hunter Hub is Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà community innovation hub that fosters entrepreneurial thinking in students, faculty, and the community and creating an everlasting impact. The team at the Hunter Hub has supported the community at UCalgary and the greater Alberta innovation community to think more like entrepreneurs — as founders, as leaders, and as changemakers within their own circles.

In 2017 the Hunter Family Foundation made a $40-million gift to the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà to grow its entrepreneurial space. This gift provided the opportunity to create the Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking which is a foundation to . Through the development and growth of Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking, partnerships have been formed both internally to create transdisciplinarity partnerships and externally within the community. With the support of the Hunter Family along with the Government of Alberta, the Hunter Student Commons was developed – a building which features leading edge classrooms designed to offer students unique learning opportunities. The initial gift of $40-million has grown exponentially in the opportunities it has created for the UCalgary community.

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What is its purpose?

Hunter Hub's mission is to cultivate and support game-changing innovators and changemakers, helping to accelerate their ideas from conception to impact.


Community impact

The Hunter Hub continues to build its portfolio of partners to provide entrepreneurship opportunities for the UCalgary community.

Hunter Hub wall

Be part of the change

Continue to support Hunter Hub in providing experiential learning opportunities.

The Hunter family believes entrepreneurial thinking transforms minds, organizations and society. In 2012, the Hunter Family Foundation created the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Haskayne School of Business.

Six years later, their $40-million donation built on the Hunter Centre’s success to establish the Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking so that students, faculty and staff across campus could benefit from entrepreneurial experiences. The Hunter family’s extraordinary gifts to UCalgary continue to expand the impact of entrepreneurial thinking and innovation on campus. Hunter Student Commons honours their transformational vision and impact.

Learn more about Hunter Student Commons

Mathison Hall

is the spectacular new addition to the Haskayne School of Business. Mathison Hall will bring new classrooms, study spaces, gathering spots and bring all students back to one growing home on campus. Supported by over 200 donors who helped to make this building a reality.

Ronald P. Mathison gifted $20 million to the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà in 2018 to help fund Mathison Hall which is an extension of Scurfield Hall and part of Haskayne School of Business. The Haskayne and Mathison Family have been life-long friends, and as a tribute to their lifelong friendship and the accomplishments from Haskayne School of Business, Ronald Mathison is also leaving a tribute behind with UCalgary through the contribution of Mathison Hall.

mathison hall and staff on staircase

What is its purpose?

Mathison Hall will help shape generations of Canada’s business leaders by elevating our students’ learning experiences and the quality of teaching that is critical to students’ success.

mathison hall - photo of lobby

Community impact

Mathison Hall serves as an expanded home for the Haskayne School of Business where our community can come together and feel connected, inspired, productive and engaged in business education.

mathison hall - photo with students studying

Be part of the change

Whether you're an alum or community member, please support Mathison Hall. Together, we will create a physical legacy for business education – a place where students will experience unparalleled learning opportunities, where scholars will deliver more innovative research, and where we can gather with the community to create meaningful connections.

Write yourself into the next chapter of the Haskayne School of Business with a gift of $2,500. In recognition of your contribution, your name will be added to a commemorative installation on a donor brick wall in the prominent atrium of Mathison Hall. Unveiling will take place early 2023 to coincide with the opening of the Winter Semester and the inaugural classes in the building.

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