Presidents Award

About the award

Up to five President's Awards for Excellence in Student Leadership are presented each year during convocation to recognize excellence in student leadership for graduating (undergraduate or graduate) students.

What is the President's Award for Excellence in Student Leadership?

These awards are presented to graduating students (undergraduate or graduate) who, during their years at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ, have combined excellent academic achievement with outstanding co-curricular contributions to the university. We seek to recognize those students who have made significant contributions toward improving and developing the intellectual, social, cultural and/or athletic fabric of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà community.

Students receive recognition of the award during their convocation ceremony. Up to five awards are presented each year.

What is the evaluation process?

A selection committee considers nominees who have demonstrated outstanding student leadership qualities that have contributed to the improvement of the university community for the benefit of students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ. In considering nominations, the committee will pay particular attention to evidence that the nominee has:

  • Demonstrated leadership on university or faculty-based committees, groups or organizations
  • Contributed to the development and enhancement of co-curricular activities at the university
  • Worked to improve the quality of the student experience at the university
  • Demonstrated a commitment to the local, provincial, national and/or international community through volunteer work
  • Contributed to a sense of community and pride at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • High academic achievement as demonstrated through GPA, course grades, publications, conference presentations, research engagement, academic prizes and awards, etc.

Who is eligible to be nominated?

Any student in their graduating year is eligible to be nominated for this award.

Anyone who has already received the award is not eligible.

Only students in good conduct standing are eligible.

Note that students in the Leaders in Medicine program are only eligible in their graduating year (the year they are attending convocation).  

Who is the selection committee?

Five members of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà comprise the selection committee and choose the award recipient(s). Members include:

  • The President of the Students' Union or designate 
  • The President of the Graduate Students' Association or designate
  • The Vice-Provost (Student Experience)
  • A faculty member selected by the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
  • A distinguished alumna/alumnus (appointed by the Alumni Association)

What is the nomination process?

The nomination process requires the nominated student to submit a form and consent to release their transcript to the selection committee.

A nominator must complete the online form, submit a primary letter of support and coordinate two additional support letters.

Information for nominators

Information for student nominees

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