
2014 Award Recipients

Meet previous award recipients and find out how each of these exceptional individuals contributed to our community through excellent academic achievement and outstanding extracurricular contributions.

Emily Macphail, President's Award Recipient 2014

Emily Macphail, Bachelor of Health Sciences

With extraordinary dedication and commitment to the campus and local community, Emily demonstrates a superior ability to make an impact, connect with others and lead with compassion. As a member of the Wellness and Health Awareness Team, she worked on initiatives such as Mental Health Awareness Week, and Eating Disorders Awareness Week, and with the Community Helpers Program. She also spearheaded the “Because You Matter” initiative, a campus wide effort to promote a culture of caring and support.

Emily has contributed to countless committees and councils, and has been an integral member of the Leadership and Student Engagement office. She has been an active peer supporter with the Women’s Resource Centre, a volunteer for the Centre for Community-Engaged Learning, a Class Ambassador for the Class of 2013, and recently served as the Students’ Union vice president-academic.

In the local community, Emily is a mentor and support volunteer for the Alberta Children’s Hospital Child and Youth Advisory Council and a patient advisor for the South Health Campus Citizen Advisory Team. She has participated with Flying Doctors of Canada—co-leading a team of seven students in El Salvador, and she has also worked with the Alberta Children’s Hospital Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research Assistant Program.

Past award recipients