Fluid Biomed

Fluid Biomed

Focused on revolutionizing the treatment of vascular disease,  is a medical device company founded in 2012 by Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà research partners Dr. John Wong and Dr. Alim Mitha. Unlike traditional metal stents, which are permanently implanted into the body, Fluid Biomed has developed the world’s first hybrid polymer-metal, flow-diverting stent, made almost entirely out of material that will naturally absorb into the body once healing is complete. The stent can improve patients' quality of life, since this technology allows them to undergo convenient MRIs and CT scans, instead of the traditional uncomfortable and invasive angiograms required by conventional stents, and removes the need for life-long blood thinners.

Funded in 2020 under the UCeed Child Health Fund and UCeed General Health Fund, the company is currently in pre-clinical evaluation of the stent. While currently being tested for the treatment of brain aneurysms, Fluid Biomed believes its technology has the potential to extend beyond the brain and treat other blood vessel conditions in the body. The company plans to leverage UCeed funding to advance product development over the next two years with the goal of accomplishing the first human implantation shortly thereafter.

The founders say it was an honour to be selected for UCeed funding, and that the positive relationship they’ve developed with the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà and Innovate Calgary has provided the company with tremendous new venture growth opportunities.

“The pathway from bedside to bench to business can be daunting, but the journey has been so far very rewarding," say Wong and Mitha, who are grateful to have been able to assemble a talented team to develop this life-changing product, and they say with partners like UCalgary and Innovate Calgary, the potential to accomplish even more lies in the road ahead.

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Fluid Biomed has received investment from UCeed, a venture philanthropy fund accelerating UCalgary and community-based startup companies to advance problem-solving research, create jobs and fuel the economy. A key program in the UCalgary innovation ecosystem, UCeed bridges the gap between innovation, demonstration and commercialization, and is managed by Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà knowledge-transfer and business incubator, .

UCeed Health Fund is supported by the generosity of the River Fund at the  and its mission to build a healthy and vibrant community where everyone belongs.

UCeed Child Health is funded by the generosity of our community through the  and its mission to inspire our community to invest in excellence in child health, research and family centred care.