
Chancellor's Scholarship Recipients

Fourth Year (2020)

Since its inception in 1990, Chancellor’s CircleScholarships have supported over 300 top students – students who have gone on to become notable leaders in our communities.

Up to 40, $10,000 undergraduate scholarships are awarded annually, renewable for up to four years. Funding for these scholarships comes from contributions to the Chancellor's Circle, as well as through the generous support of named donors.

Meet the Fourth Year (2020) scholarship recipients:

Paige Babin | Amisha Gill| Sigmund Holtz| Jillian Kitt| Alexandra Laviolette| Sean Ulrich| Chelsea Wong

Paige Babin

Paige Babin

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology),Faculty of Arts

Paige was inspired to study psychology because of the diverse range of subjects, options and careers that a degree can provide me with. Psychology appealed to me because of my interest in discovering more about human behaviours and characteristics, and it will provide me with opportunities for research and a chance to work with people in the future.Outside of coursework, Paige isa competitive synchronized skater andenjoys playing the piano and saxophone.

Paige is interested in pursuing a career in Speech-Language Pathology or Occupational Therapy. Ultimately, her ideal career is one where she isable to help or work with people.

"I am very grateful and appreciative to be a recipient of this scholarship. I thank the donors for helping to enable and further my education, leadership, and volunteerism through such generous contributions. The financial support this scholarship offers enables me to focus on post-secondary success, which I feel is setting me up for success for the rest of my career."

Amisha Gill

Amisha Gill

Bachelor of Science (Neuroscience), Faculty of Science

Amishaalways been interested in biology, specifically how the human body and brain works. Neuroscience specifically stood out to her, as shefinds the physical and psychological aspect of the brain really interesting.Outside of hercourse work, Amishavolunteers with programs like sole girls and the YMCA. Sole girls empower young girls to be confident and live a healthy, active lifestyle.

"Thank you for the donations that made the Chancellor’s Scholarship possible, without these contribution individuals like myself may not have been a part of the wonderful, tightknit community here at the ɫ and would not have been able to truly focus on our studies and helping out the community around us!"

Sigmund Holtz

Sigmund Holtz

Bachelor of Commerce (Finance), Haskayne School of Business
Bachelor of Arts(Economics), Faculty of Arts

Sigmund's passion and pursuit of a career in business was ultimately derived from being raised in a family concentrated in the business and investing worlds. Since around the age of seven, he had the privilege of being exposed to business and economics on a variety of different levels including hisgrandfather introducinghim to the stock market. Over the last three years, he hastaken the passion for business that was instilled at a young age and made it part of his education and ambition for a future career.

"Being a Chancellor’s Scholar has changed my life. It is due to your kind and generous nature that students such as myself are able to pursue their passion through higher education. Prior to entering university, it would have been possible, but not easy for my family to afford my degrees. However, your gift has taken that stress off of my family and me. In turn, I have taken it upon myself to pay it forward and sponsor two students in Bogota, Colombia, to a private education to enable them to a better life."

Jillian Kitt

Alexandra Laviolette

Alexandra Laviolette

Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology), Faculty of Arts

Bachelor of Arts (Greek and Roman Studies), Faculty of Arts

Alexandra Laviolette is undertaking combined Bachelor of Arts degrees in archaeology and honours Greek and Roman studies, with a minor in anthropology. She plans to apply for a Rhodes Scholarship, completing her master’s in archaeology and classics, eventually getting a doctorate. However, she is also interested in applying to law school, with the goal to become a lawyer in international human rights, with a specialization in women’s rights. She is also considering becoming a lawyer with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), to protect World Heritage Sites.

Alexandra hopes to be a classical archaeologist, leading digs in the Middle East, Africa and/or the Mediterranean. Perhaps she will write a book or two on her excavations, culture and world travels.

“I have always known that I want to pursue a life of academia. The Chancellor’s Scholarship not only grants me opportunities in my undergraduate degree, but in my pursual of a master's and doctorate. The scholarship has provided me with an automatic support system, from donors to the Senate, to making lifelong friends. The support system is an integral part of the scholarship, and, in truth, it is the best part about it: people, strangers, genuinely believe in us.

It is hard to believe that a stranger can care so much for you and your accomplishments, yet you, the individual, continuously do. I thank you that I do not need to stress about my financial situation for the next three years. I thank you that I can explore my passions and interests, knowing you have my back. I hope to one day pay forward what you have done for me.”

Sean Ulrich

Sean Ulrich

Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy), Faculty of Arts

Sean's interestin Philosophy stems partly from the significant influence of his faith, and to some extent, a high school English teacher who often incorporated philosophical concepts into theirlessons.So far, though it is not his major, hisfavourite course has been GRST 205: Introduction to Greece and Rome because it'sinteresting to learn about such fascinating societies; to actually put them in the historical and geographical context.

Outside of coursework, Seanlikes to go for walks with hisdog, andto draw for fun as well.

"I cannot thank the donors enough for their support of the Chancellor’s Scholarship. Their donations have given me, and other students like me, such a great opportunity to reach out and experience university in a way that would not be possible otherwise. I am truly blessed by their selfless generosity."

Head shot of Chelsea Wong

Chelsea Wong

Bachelor ofScience (Biological Sciences), Faculty of Science

Chelsea's passion for science comes from the ability to obtain a broad scope of knowledge through a large variety of courses. While to has yet to choose a specialty, but has the option to apply for specialty programs later on her program.

Outside of school, Chelsea is on Canada’s national synchronized figure skating team, NEXXICE. She also started a food blog on Instagram (@freshandflavourful). Cooking, baking, and trying new creations is one of her favorite ways to relax and have fun when she isnot training or studying!

"I would like to give my sincere thanks to the donors of my scholarship. I am grateful for the recognition your provided in support of what I have done to receive the award. I endeavor to continue my path of future accomplishments in academics and meaningful contributions to our community, our country."

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