UCalgary students

Chancellor's Scholarship Recipients

Second Year (2022)

Since its inception in 1990, Chancellor’s Circle Scholarships have supported over 300 top students – students who have gone on to become notable leaders in our communities.

Up to 40, $15,000 undergraduate scholarships are awarded annually, renewable for up to four years. Funding for these scholarships comes from contributions to the Chancellor's Circle, as well as through the generous support of named donors. 

Meet the second year (2022) scholarship recipients:

Steven Brennan | Daniela Falaye | Stephanie Huynh | Raneet Kahlon | Larissa Mohler | Saoirse Musgrove | Cassidy Thibodeau | Jason Xie

head shot of Steven Brennan

Steven Brennan

Steven’s passion for scientific innovation and problem solving has driven him to pursue a career in engineering. He looks forward to applying engineering concepts to develop practical solutions to pressing challenges for the betterment of his local and global communities.

In his spare time, Steven loves exploring the mountains through hiking, backpacking, and skiing. He also enjoys giving back to his school, church, and local communities through various volunteering roles.

“I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the donors of the Chancellor’s Scholarship, whose generosity and willingness to see my potential has helped me believe in myself. By easing the financial burden of post-secondary, this scholarship has given me time to continue balancing all my commitments including academics, engaging in student clubs and opportunities on campus, and giving back to my communities through volunteering.â€

Head shot of Daniela Falaye

Daniela Falaye

Daniela is drawn to neuroscience because she is interested in learning more about the complexities of the brain and the role it plays in human behavior and mental illnesses. She is excited to study at the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà because the interdisciplinary, research focused nature of her program will allow her to gain a comprehensive of understanding of the brain and nervous system.

“I would like to extend a wholehearted ‘thank-you’ to the donors of the Chancellor’s Scholarship. Because of their generosity, I am able to complete my undergraduate degree without having to take out large student loans or worry about finances. I am honoured to be a recipient of this scholarship and look forward to joining the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà community.â€

Head shot of Stephanie Huynh

Stephanie Huynh

Stephanie was drawn to studying Biomedical Sciences by her passion for scientific inquiry and health innovation. She is fascinated by the intersection between art and science, and hopes to pursue a career in medicine where she can conduct impactful research and advocate for equitable and inclusive care.

Beyond the classroom, Stephanie enjoys reading, playing the violin, and volunteering.

“I would like to sincerely thank the donors of the Chancellor’s Club for their generous support. This award has empowered me with the financial means to focus wholeheartedly on expanding my knowledge base and contributing to my community. In the future, I will strive to harness my academic and leadership potential to make a difference in the lives of others, just as you have done for me.â€

Head shot of Raneet Kahlon

Raneet Kahlon

To combine her love for health research, biology, and working with others, Raneet chose to pursue a degree in Biomedical Sciences. She hopes to find an application for her fortes and passions while being able to contribute to the scientific community through new health research projects and advancements.

Outside of school she is involved in fundraising for the Alberta Children’s Hospital, or she can be found at the rink either playing or coaching hockey.

“I am so grateful to the donors who have made my university journey all the more possible. I cannot describe the effect this scholarship has had on me by lifting the burden of financing my education. I am truly appreciative for this opportunity to spend more of my time pursuing my goals and doing the things I love. Thank you for making the dream of a powerful education a reality.â€

Head shot of Larissa Mohler

Larissa Mohler

Coming from a small-town in rural Alberta, Larissa has always known the value of being active in the heart of her community. She believes that creating a sense of community encourages belonging to better support the mental wellbeing of fellow residents. These values led her to pursuing the steps to becoming a social worker, to empower the people in her community. Outside of class, she enjoys public speaking, mental health advocacy, volunteering and sports.

“I would like to send my appreciation and gratitude to the donors of this scholarship who have helped me as an aspiring student advance my education. As a recipient, you are not only supporting me financially but also mentally as you believe I am worth supporting. I can assure your support has been well invested, as I will continue to devote time towards enhancing the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà community.â€

Saoirse Musgrove

From a young age, Saoirse has been fascinated with learning about how the world works. She chose to apply her love of STEM and her creative drive to the field of engineering. In the future, she hopes to turn her ideas into a successful business.

Outside the classroom, Saoirse is pursuing her Advanced 2 certification in Ballet. She also enjoys reading and writing, creating music and art, and spending time with friends and family.

“I would like to thank the donors of the Chancellor’s Circle Scholarship for their philanthropic generosity. It is a great honour and privilege to be a recipient. The altruism of the donors inspires me to continue working hard. This scholarship will afford me the opportunity to avail myself of all the University has to offer in — and beyond — the classroom. I strive to one day be able to emulate the donors and give back to future students.â€

Head shot of Cassidy Thibodeau

Cassidy Thibodeau

Drawn to areas working with youth in her community, Cassidy found a love for supporting children of all ages in both academic and athletic settings. Inspired by the influential role her teachers and mentors have had on her life, she aspires to touch the lives of the future kids who will be in her classroom. Throughout Highschool she was a student leader, as a member of student council, captain of the cheerleading team, and as an advocate for removing the stigma around Mental Health

“On behalf of my seven-year-old self who dreamt about an opportunity like this, I would like to thank all those who donated and sponsored this award for their generous support. Because of you, I get to create a storybook ending for myself that I never thought was possible. Your kindness certainly does not go unnoticed, and I am grateful to be a part of those lucky enough to see your impact firsthand.â€

Head shot of Natalie Timmerman

Natalie Timmerman

Natalie is pursuing the Chartered Professional Accountant designation through her studies at the Haskayne School of Business. Combining her passion for mathematics with her ambition to develop unique solutions for complex problems is the driving force behind Natalie’s desire to pursue corporate or tax law as a career. She is enthusiastic about the opportunity to build a life centered on the merging of creative and critical thought and intellectual challenge. 

In her spare time, Natalie enjoys reading, hiking and coaching volleyball.

“I am incredibly grateful and honoured to have been awarded a Chancellor’s Scholarship by the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà and the generous donors willing to invest in my future. Your commitment and support have fostered my ambition to achieve academic excellence while meaningfully contributing to the UCalgary community. Thank you for inspiring me and providing the freedom and opportunity to dream big.â€

Head shot of Jason Xie

Jason Xie

Jason strongly believes that technology is the key to solving people’s problems. In high school, Jason conducted research with a focus on data science and machine learning in healthcare. From there, his interest continued to bloom, leading him to pursue a degree in Computer Science.

He has also led many youth-focused initiatives, hoping to inspire students to pursue their goals in the sciences. Outside of school, Jason loves to bike, ski, and play the piano.

“Thank you to all the donors for your amazing generosity. Your gift is a blessing and will allow us to  continue developing our leadership, volunteerism, and academics throughout our university careers and beyond. I am truly honoured to be a part of this program, and I hope that I, too, can have a positive impact on people’s lives.â€

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