Three people walking together in an office and smiling.

Industry & Community Partners

Connect with UCalgary talent

Students are given real problems to work on and valued just as much as full-time associates. On average, we can have around 30 students working with Garmin at any given time. Garmin Canada takes pride in giving students real-world experience, which will help them through the remainder of their studies and in their future careers.

Katie Littlewood, Human Resources, Garmin

Experiential learning pays off

Work-integrated learning is experiential learning in the workplace, and it can benefit your organization. When you create a work-integrated learning opportunity, you’re developing future talent. You increase your team’s productivity, leverage student innovation and creativity, and have the opportunity to identify potential long-term hires with minimal risk. 

Estimate your ROI with the Business + Higher Education Roundtable's ROI calculator.

Our talent meets your needs

Whether you're looking to hire students full- or part-time, or to work on a particular project, UCalgary offers emerging talent to meet your needs.

Support for a specific challenge

Short-term staffing

Building a long-term talent pipeline

Providing mentorship opportunities for your existing team

I want to partner with UCalgary. How?

Determine your objectives

What company needs might be supported with student talent? Is there a particular department that needs support, a specific project you're trying to complete, or problem you're trying to solve? For how long would you like to work with a student? A short-term project? Four months? Eight months? Twelve months or 16 months? 

Confirm – is this a paid or unpaid opportunity?

Are you looking to hire a student, or are you looking to work with a student on an unpaid project or practicum?  

Coop and internship programs are paid. Projects and practicum placements are typically unpaid.

Paid? Post your opportunity on Elevate

Elevate is our career, advising and student-experience portal. Part-time and summer jobs, co-op jobs, internships, and new graduate opportunities can be posted for free on Elevate. Request your account to start leveraging student talent.  

Unpaid or need help? Connect with UCalgary

If your opportunity is unpaid or you’d prefer to talk to someone to find the best fit, send us an e-mail to chat further about your needs.  

Email us


Register on Elevate

Elevate is our career, advising and student-experience portal. It's where students look for jobs and other experiences. Create an account to post student jobs, co-op or internships and post-graduate opportunities.

Examples of industry and community partners engaging with UCalgary talent


Office of Sustainability offers volunteer opportunities and work terms

This UCalgary office creates meaningful learning opportunities for students.

Resources to help you leverage our talent

Employer tool kit

Access at-a-glance information on how to hire and work with students, from how to write job postings to tips on successful mentorship.

From: Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning (CEWIL) Canada


Find step-by-step best practices to help you create meaningful mentorship relationships in work placements.

From: Business & Higher Education Roundtable (BHER)

Equity, diversity and inclusion strategies

Explore actionable steps to foster more inclusive experiences and equitable transitions into the workplace for all students.

From: Business & Higher Education Roundtable (BHER)

Creating opportunities in rural, remote and northern communities

Gain insight into building inclusive and responsive work opportunities in rural, remote and northern communities. Hear from students, employers and practitioners from these regions.

From: Business & Higher Education Roundtable (BHER)

Performance-assessment strategies

Find assessment strategies for students in work placements.

From: Business & Higher Education Roundtable (BHER)