
Food, Policy & Health


Elliott, C. and Greenberg, J. (Eds.). (2022). . Palgrave.

Elliott, C. (Ed.) (2016). . Athabasca Press.

Greenberg, J. and Elliott, C. (Eds.) (2013). . Nelson.

Greenberg, J. and Elliott, C. (Eds.) (2008). Communication in Question: Competing Perspectives on Controversial Issues in Communication Studies. Thomson-Nelson.

Peer reviewed publications

Truman, E., & Elliott, C. (2024). Perceptions of food marketing and media use among Canadian teenagers: A cross-sectional survey. Nutrients, 16(17), 2987.

Elliott, C., Truman, E., & LeBel, J. (2024). Food marketing to young adults: Platforms and persuasive power in Canada. Young Consumers, 25(5), 592-606.

Elliott, C., & Truman, E. (2024). Food marketing on digital platforms: What do teens see? Public Health Nutrition, 27(1), e48.

Elliott, C., Truman, E., & Black, J. E. (2023). Tracking teen food marketing: Participatory research to examine persuasive power and platforms of exposure.Appetite,186, 106550–106550.

Ellison, K. Truman, E., & Elliott, C. (2023). Picturing food: the visual style of teen-targeted food marketing.Young Consumers,24(3), 352–366.

Elliott, C., Ventresca, M., Truman, E. (2023).The “risk object” of cannabis edibles: perspectives from young adults in Canada. Health, Risk & Society.

Elliott C., Truman E., Nelson M.R., Scheibe C., Hudders L., De Jans S., Brisson-Boivin K., McAleese S., Johnson M., Walker L., & Ellison K. (2022). Food Promotion and Children's Health: Considering Best Practices for Teaching and Evaluating Media Literacy on Food Marketing. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.

Elliott C., Truman E., & Stephenson N. (2022). Food Marketing and Power: Teen-Identified Indicators of Targeted Food Marketing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(13):7815.

Truman, E. & Elliott, C. (2022).Testing a Mobile App for Participatory Research to Identify Teen-Targeted Food Marketing: Mixed Methods Study.JMIR Form Res, 6(5):e35886. DOI:

Elliott, C., Truman, E., & Aponte-Hao, S. (2022). Food marketing to teenagers: Examining the power and platforms of food and beverage marketing in Canada.Appetite, 105999.

Ventresca, M. & Elliott, C. (2022). Cannabis edibles packaging: Communicative objects in a growing market. International Journal of Drug Policy, 103. 103645.

Ventresca, M., Truman, E., & Elliott, C.(2021). Assessing public health messaging about cannabis edibles: perspectives from canadian young adults.Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy,DOI:

Elliott, C. (2021). Food marketing and the regulation of children’s taste: On packaged foods, paratexts, and prohibitions.Canadian Food Studies / La Revue Canadienne Des études Sur l’alimentation,8(1). .

Elliott,C.(2021).Radical Transparency: Food labelling, taste and the food citizen.Senses & Society, 16(1). 80-88. https://.

Caron-Roy, S., Sayed, S., Milaney, K., Lashewicz, B., Dunn, S., O’Hara, H., Leblanc, P., Fournier, B., Raine, K.D.,Elliott, C., Prowse, R.J.L.,Olstad, D. (2021). ‘My coupons are like gold’: Experiences and perceived outcomes of low-income adults participating in the British Columbia Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program. Public Health Nutrition,1-12.DOI:.

Elliott, C. & Truman, E. (2021). Monitoring the Power of Child-Targeted Food Packaging: aReview of the Literature.Current Nutrition Reports. DOI: (direct access to full article:).

Elliott, C. & Truman, E. (2020).The Power of Packaging: A Scoping Review and Assessment of Child-Targeted Food Packaging.Nutrients, 12(4): 958. DOI:.

Elliott, C. (2020). From fun to fraught: Marketing to kids and regulating ‘risky foods’ in Canada.Senses & Society, 15(1): 45-53.

Elliott, C. & Truman, E. (2019). Measuring the Power of Food Marketing to Children: AReview of Recent Literature.Current Research Reports. DOI:

Elliott, C. (2019). Sensorium®: The Splash of Sensory Trademarks.Canadian Journal of Law and Society / Revue Canadienne Droit Et Société,34(2), 243-259. DOI:

Elliott, C. (2019).Assessing Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements Marketed to Children in Canada.Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 16(22), 4326. DOI:

Elliott, C. (2019).Tracking kids' food: Comparing the nutritional value and marketing appeals of child-targeted supermarket products over time.Nutrients, 11(8), 1850. DOI:

Truman, E., & Elliott, C. (2019).Identifying food marketing to teenagers: A scoping review.International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 16, 67. DOI:

Truman, E., Bischoff, M., and Elliott, C. (2019).Which literacy for health promotion: Health, food, nutrition or media?Health Promotion International.DOI: 10.1093/heapro/daz007

Elliott, C. and Scime, N.V. (2019).Nutrient Profiling and Child-Targeted Supermarket Foods: Assessing a "Made in Canada" Policy Approach.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 639. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16040639.

Truman, E. & Elliott, C.(2019).Barriers to food literacy: a conceptual model to explore factors inhibiting proficiency.Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 51(1), 107-111.DOI: 10.1016/j.jneb.2018.08.008

Elliott, C. (2018).“Grab Gatorade!”: Food marketing, regulation and the young consumer.European Journal of Marketing. DOI: 10.1108/EJM-05-2018-0355

Elliott, C. (2018).The Nutritional Quality of Gluten-Free Products For Children.Pediatrics, 142(2):e20180525.

Elliott, C., and Ellison, K. (2018).Negotiating choice, deception and risk: teenagers' perceptions of food safety.British Food Journal, 120(12): 2748-2761.

Elliott, C. (2018).Beauty and the Banana: It’s a commercial promotion, not a public health campaign.Canadian Journal of Public Health, 109(3): 436-38.

Elliott, C. (2018).Milk in a glass, milk in a carton: The influence of packaging on children’s perceptions of the healthfulness of milk.International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 56(3): 155-164.***Awarded the InternationalPittu Laungani Best Paper Prize, 2018, Second place.***

Truman, E., Lane, D., and Elliott, C. (2017).Defining food literacy: A scoping review. Appetite, 116, 365-371. DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.05.007

Truman, E., Raine, K., Mrklas, K., Prowse, R., Carruthers Den Hoed, R., Watson-Jarvis, K., Loewen, J., Gorham, M., Ricciardi, C., Tyminski, S., and Elliott, C. (2017).Promoting children's health: Toward a consensus statement on food literacy. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 108(2), e211-e213. DOI: 10.17269/CJPH.108.5909

Brierley, M. and Elliott C. (2017).Transparent choices: communicating packaged food content to children.Visual Communication, 16(1), 57-74.

Elliott, C. and Carruthers Den Hoed, R. (2016).Do apples need an Elmo sticker? Children's classification of unprocessed edibles. Critical Public Health. DOI:

Elliott, C. (2016).Knowledge needs and the 'savvy' child: teenager perspectives on banning food marketing to children. Critical Public Health. DOI:

Elliott, C. and Conlon, M. (2015).Packaged baby and toddler foods: Questions of sugar and sodium. Pediatric Obesity, 10(2). 149-155.

Brierley, M. and Elliott, C. (2015).Nutritional components and children's interpretations of packaged food. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 53(5): 230-243.

Brierley, M. and Elliott, C. (2015).Boys' healthy packaged food choices. International Journal of Men's Health, 14(1). 21-37.

Shearer, J. andElliott, C. (2015).Manufacturer-driven discretionary nutritional fortification of “novelbeverages”.Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, 40(2), iii-iv.

Elliott, C. (2015).Big Food and 'Gamified' products: Promotion, packaging and the promise of fun. Critical Public Health, 25(3). 348-360.

Elliott, C. (2014).Food as people: Teenagers' perspectives on food personalities and implications for healthy eating. Social Science & Medicine, 121. 85-90.

Elliott, C. (2014).Communication and Health: An Interrogation. Canadian Journal of Communication, 39(2). 9-22.

Elliott, C. (2014)."When my plate is empty": Internal versus external cues to meal cessation in children. Food Quality and Preference, 37. 45-51.

Metcalfe, A. and Elliott, C. (2014).Differences in the nutritional content of baby and toddler foods with front-of-package nutrition claims issued by manufacturers versus governments/health organizations. Public Health Nutrition. DOI:

Elliott, C., Carruthers Den Hoed R., and Conlon, M. (2013).Food branding and young children's taste preferences: A reassessment. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 104(5). 364-368.

Elliott, C. (2013).Parent's choice: Examining parent perspectives on regulation and child-targeted supermarket foods. Food, Culture and Society, 16(3). 437-455.

Carruthers Den Hoed, R. and Elliott, C. (2013).Parents' views of supermarket fun foods and the question of responsible marketing. Young Consumers, 14(3). 201-215.

Elliott, C and Cook, B. (2013).Not so Grreaat: Ten important myths about food advertising targeted to children in Canada. Childhood Obesity, 9(4). 1-6.

Hudson, S. and Elliott, C. (2013).Measuring the impact of product placement on children using digital brand integration. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 19(3). 176-200.

Elliott, C. and Brierley, M. (2012).Healthy Choice?: Exploring how children evaluate the healthfulness of packaged foods. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 103(6). 453-458.

Elliott, C. (2012).TasteTM: Interrogating food, law and color. The Senses & Society, 7(3). 276-288.

Elliott, C. (2012).Packaging fun: Analysing supermarket food messages targeted at children. Canadian Journal of Communication, 37(2). 303-318.

Elliott, C. (2012).Marketing foods to children: Are we asking the right questions?Childhood Obesity, 8(3). 202-205.

Elliott, C. (2012).Packaging Health: Examining "better-for-you" foods targeted at children. Canadian Public Policy, 38(2). 265-281.

Dutton, D., Campbell, N., Elliott, C. and McLaren, L. (2012).A ban on marketing of foods/beverages to children: the who, why, what, and how of a population health intervention. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 103(2). 100-102.

Elliott, C. (2011)."It's junk food and chicken nuggets": Children's perspectives on 'kids' food' and the question of food classification. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 10(3). 133-140.

Elliott, C. and Conlon, M. (2011).Toddler foods, children's foods: Assessing sodium in packaged supermarket foods targeted at children. Public Health Nutrition, 14(3). 490-498.

Elliott, C. (2011).Sweet & Salty: Nutritional content and analysis of baby and toddler foods. Journal of Public Health, 33(1). 63-70.

Elliott, C. (2010).Eatertainment and the (re)classification of children's food. Food, Culture and Society, 13(4). 539-553.

Elliott, C. (2010).Envisioning children: On food, fat and freedom. Red Feather Journal, 1(1). 87-99.

Elliott, C. (2009).'Healthy food looks serious': How children interpret packaged food products. Canadian Journal of Communication, 34(3). 359-380.

Elliott, C. (2009).Canada's Great Butter Caper: On law, fakes and the biography of margarine. Food, Culture and Society, 12(3). 379-396.

Elliott, C. and J. Greenberg. (2009).A Cold-cut crisis: Food-borne illness, legitimation problems and corporate apologia. Canadian Journal of Communication, 34(2). 189-204.

Elliott, C. (2009).Entertaining Eats: Children's 'fun food' and the transformation of the domestic foodscape. Material Culture Review, 70. 34-43

Elliott, C. (2008).Taste rules!: Food marketing, food law and childhood obesity in Canada. Cuizine: The Journal of Canadian Food Cultures, 1(1).

Elliott, C. (2008).Marketing Fun Food: A profile and analysis of supermarket food messages targeted at children. Canadian Public Policy, 34(2).259-274.

Elliott, C. (2008).Assessing fun foods: Nutritional content and analysis of supermarket foods targeted at children. Obesity Reviews, 9. 368-377.

Raising Food Savvy Consumers

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