Impact on Clinical Care and Quality of Life

The ICRP will share our research findings and their implications for clinical practice with knowledge users in health care settings. We will publish clinically relevant articles in professional outlets and provide workshops for healthcare providers involved in the care of individuals with concussion and mTBI.

The program also will seek to translate our findings into clinical guidelines, prediction rules, and pathways for the diagnosis and management of concussion, and share those with the broader healthcare community.

We will maintain leadership roles in provincial, national, and international efforts to develop guidelines regarding the assessment and management of concussion. For more information, see Community Engagement section of the website.

Within the Calgary area, we hope to facilitate the integration of adult, pediatric, and sports medicine clinical care into a single best practices care pathway.

Over the next decade, the ICRP will improve human lives by:

  • Decreasing the annual rate of concussion
  • Devising more sensitive diagnostic and prognostic tools that can identify concussion more effectively and predict who will have favourable versus adverse outcomes
  • Developing evidence-based approaches to treating and managing concussion that reduce long-term negative outcomes and improve quality of life for individuals experiencing concussion