
Academic, Image from Pexels/Pixabey


UCalgary's Global Community Challenge YYC is returning for the fifth year for our Fall 2024 challenge round!

Applications open late August and are due Sept 23. Connect with a diverse group of students and help foster the next generation of community leaders.

Benefits of being a mentor

  • Expand your UCalgary network 

  • Participate in a variety of free training on topics like ideation, cross-cultural communication, and teamwork  

  • Give back to the campus community 

  • Develop and hone your leadership and coaching skills 

  • Work with staff and students from across campus and around the world 

Mentorship commitment and expectations

As a mentor, it is expected that you will: 

  • Attend the mentor training session on September 27.
  • Meet for a total of 6-8 hours during the time span of the challenge from late September to November 2024 via zoom
    • We estimate 3-4 meetings (approximately 1.5 hours each)
      • 1 initial meeting for introductions and brainstorming 
      • 1 meeting to finalize narrowing down problem scope and ideas for solutions 
      • 1-2 meetings for follow up and finalizing ideas
  • Provide guidance to your student group in narrowing down ideas for their solution
  • Respond to students’ emails within 3 business days 

In case of any questions or issues, please contact us at global.challenge@ucalgary.ca.

You are also invited, encouraged even, to attend the workshops that are mandatory for your students as well as the first and second rounds of competition. For more details and tentative dates, please see the schedule below.

Support for mentors

Hands supporting a tree

We will have weekly drop in hours for mentors to check-in with our team. Bring your questions, concerns, strategies, and anything else you want to talk to our coordinators about. More details will be sent via email once you have been accepted.

Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

Expectations of students

Mentoring students through this challenge will be a very unique experience for all parties involved. It's a good idea to get an understanding of the expectations we have for students in advance to guide your feedback. Check out the Student section of our website to get an understanding of our expectations of students as well as the judging criteria for the actual competition. 

Challenge Timeline

This is the tentative schedule for our Fall 2024 challenge and is subject to change.