June 20, 2016

Alumna experiences code blue nursing on Intensive Care Unit

Alumni Spotlight: Mia Torres, BN'15
NurseMentor-Mia Torres
NurseMentor-Mia Torres

Mia begins each shift with the idea that “it’s going to be a good day.”  Her positivism carries her through her work in intensive care.

Best job you’ve had

"In my current job as a staff RN in intensive care, I've had the pleasure of taking care of some of the sickest and most acute patients in the city and supporting their families and loved ones."

Your dream nursing job

"My current job as a staff RN in the intensive care unit, more specifically being a code blue nurse and extending ICU services outside the unit and in the hospital. Hopefully, in a couple years time, I'll fly with STARS as a critical care flight nurse as well."

Best piece of advice you have ever been given

“Don't ever be scared to try something new and challenge yourself, for you won't know your worth unless you try."

Who are your real-life heroes?

"This one is hard. I want to say anyone who I have come into contact with and worked alongside in a team is a hero in their own way, as each nurse has something unique to contribute to a given situation. For past nursing heroes — Edith Cavell, for being a nurse who left judgment behind in the warzone to care for soldiers who were both allies and enemies in a compassionate manner."

What quality do you think every nurse should have?

"Patience. A patient mindset will help a nurse think through even the most difficult and challenging situations."

What is your personal credo/motto?

"I like starting off each shift thinking "it's going to be a good day," because things can definitely hit the fan and go wrong in a million different ways very quickly in the environment I work in.  So starting off and pacing myself with a positive mindset always helps set the stage for when times get rough."

UCalgary Nursing’s online mentoring program connecting alumni RNs with student nurses for professional and personal growth. To find out more, visitÂ