June 20, 2016

New nurse ready to make bedside impact at patient and system level

Alumni Spotlight: Hannah Priestap BN'17
NurseMentor-Hannah Priestap
NurseMentor-Hannah Priestap

As a new RN, Hannah Priestap (pictured right) is ready to make her mark in any area of nursing.

Best placement you had as a student

"My favourite placement was my final practicum at the Sundre Hospital. I often frustrated my preceptor as I wanted to know everything! Not only did I get work with patients and families with a wide variety health situations, I was also able to perform a wide variety skills, including learning how to triage."

Your dream nursing job

"Everyone always tells me that nursing can take me so many different places. Initially when I entered nursing, all I wanted to do was work in the Emergency Department. Throughout my past four years, ideas such as becoming a clinical nurse specialist in palliation and family focused care or nursing practical instructor have caught my attention. Most recently, a professor recommended the Intensive Care Unit for me, but I am still undecided."         

Best piece of advice you have ever been given?

"'Breathe and you will do fine.' It is simple, but students, new grads, and experienced nurses all can be reminded."

Who are your real-life heroes?

"Within our faculty, there are so many excellent examples who have shown me the possibilities and impact that nurses have made. My real life heroes are not determined by the letters that follow their name. I believe it is the ability to make an impact either at the bedside that may mean taking the time to thoroughly know a patient and their concerns or on a systemic level making changes in public health."

What is your personal credo/motto?

"I do not know if I have found or created mine yet, but I hope to."

UCalgary Nursing’s online mentoring program connecting alumni RNs with student nurses for professional and personal growth. To find out more, visitÂ