Oct. 25, 2021

Things to do in the mountains!

Read about all the different activities you can do in the mountains, just an hour away from our main UCalgary campus!

We so are lucky to have the Rocky Mountains right in our backyard, and with just a short drive it’s hard not to take advantage off all the activities there are to do, all year round! Here are some of our favorites.


Hiking is something that you can never get enough of. Whether you want a short and moderate trail, or maybe you want to do a whole day hike, with the endless options it is easy to find one that fits your style! Hiking is a also great way to relieve stress on the weekends after studying all week!

Mountain biking

Mountain biking is an extremely fun activity to do with friends! Never tried it before? Our UCalgary Outdoor Centre offers , so why not try something new!

Mountain biking

Mountain biking at Moose Mountain, AB.

Skiing and snowboarding

We have six major ski resorts within three hours of campus! Skiing and snowboarding are both great ways to stay active and have fun, and definitely something to take advantage of while living in Alberta! A few ski resorts we recommend to check out are Nakiska, Sunshine Village, Mount Norquay, and Lake Louise!


If skiing and snowboarding aren’t your style, try snowshoeing! This is another great winter activity and is especially great right after a fresh snowfall. Be sure to rent your snowshoes from our !


Snowshoeing at Rawson Lake, AB.


In the winter, our mountain lakes freeze over and become skating rinks! Be sure to grab your skates and maybe a hockey stick and puck, and head out to the mountains! A few of our favorites are Lake Minnewanka and Gap Lake, as pictured below.


Gap Lake, AB.

Canoeing and kayaking

What better way to relax than rowing out to the middle, surrounding yourself with bright blue water and breathing in the mountain air.


Canoeing at Moraine Lake, AB.


Reach new heights and take a ride on a Gondola! The has some spectacular views at the top, along with lots of areas to take photos and even a restaurant!

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