
May 16, 2022

We have answers to your most common questions! – May 2022

Check out the most common questions the Recruitment and Admission Teams team received this month from prospective students, parents, and counsellors.
UCalgary Admissions Team
Photo: UCalgary Student Recruitment Advisor Mikayla Tamagi visited the International School of Choueifat in Doha, Qatar earlier this month

Current Applicants for fall 2022:

I’ve received a conditional offer of admission. What are the conditions of my offer?

The conditions of your admission decisions are outlined in your offer letter. Applicants who have received anoffer of admission with high school courses in program must:

  • Maintain your admission average: All students will find a link in their, highlighting the final admitting average you need to maintain
  • Complete all required grade 12 courses for your program by June 30, 2022
  • Submit any outstanding documents as outlined in your to-do list
  • Graduate from high school

These details are available in your Student Centre under the 'status' link.

I need some help selecting and registering for my first-year courses. Who should I connect with?

Suggested first-year courses are outlined for students in The First Year Degree Guide.

Additionally, you can view faculty-specific registration webinar recordings on our UCalgary webinars page! Please clickhere.

If you want more support, our New Student Registration Assistants (NSRA) can support you with planning your courses and building a schedule.

We would also encourage you to check out ɫOrientation websitefor details about the start of your UCalgary adventure

I’ve received an offer to my 2nd choice program but really want my first choice. Will I still have an opportunity to be considered for my first choice?

If you receive an offer of admission to your second-choice program, you will still be considered for their first-choice program provided there is still space available in the program at the time you meet the requirements. Students do not need to reapply and will be reconsidered automatically.

The Admission Office aims to have all high school offers finalized by May 1st and June 1st for transfer applicants. There are a small number of offers that are made each year into the summer months as students accept or decline their offers of admission. To learn more about offer choices, please
click here.

I want to take some courses this summer to improve my admission average. Can these courses be considered?

The deadline to complete all of your high school courses is June 30, 2022. You unfortunately would not be able to complete courses over the summer that could be used for the current admission intake as the results will not be completed in time. Additionally, most decisions for programs will have been made before this deadline.

If you do not qualify for admission and wish to apply for a future intake, we recommend booking a 1-on-1 appointment with our Recruitment Team.

I’ve been placed on the waitlist for my program of choice. What position am I on the waitlist and when will I receive my decision?

If you have been placed on our waitlist, this means you have the courses required for admission, but we are currently reviewing the applicant pool and determining if additional space is available. If space becomes available, offers are made to applicants with the highest admission average first (top-down). We are unable to inform you what position you hold on the waitlist.

Please continue to monitor your Student Centre and email as you will be notified if we can offer you a position at a later date. Waitlists may be held for Spring until April 15, for Summer until May 15, for Fall until August 15 and for Winter until December 15th.

When are tuition fees due?

Tuition is charged on a per semester basis and the amount owing for your tuition fees will be posted on your
after you have successfully registered in courses.

Tuition fees for courses completed in the fall semester are due on September 23, 2022. Courses completed in the winter semester are due on January 27, 2023. For more information on how to pay your fees, please
click here.

Did you know? UCalgary offers
self-service payment plans for all students. Your tuition and general fees can now be paid in installments over the term, rather than being due all at once on the term fee deadline.

Future Applicants for fall 2023:

I’m currently in grade 11, when can I start applying for admission?

We are excited to hear you are already eager to apply! Students will typically start applying in October of their grade 12 year and we encourage you to apply early.

While you wait to apply, we highly encourage you check out and pre-register for many of our Prospective Student Events such as Open House on October 22, 2022 where you can learn more about becoming a UCalgary Dino and the programs and supports we have.

I’ve seen the finalized admission averages for fall 2022. Is this the same average I need to achieve to receive an offer when I apply next year?

The admission average chart that we distribute to current applicants is specific and unique to the applicant pool that applies each intake. Our admission averages are based on the competitive averages of the students who apply each year and historical averages can sometimes be misleading to future applicants.

The Admission Office works hard to publish estimated averages that are the best predictors of our future admission requirements. To view these averages, please check out our
Admission Requirement Website.

I’m in grade 11 and want to take a grade 12 course this summer. How will this impact my admission for next year?

An early admission average will be calculated on Grade 11 or junior level required courses (or equivalent), or based on your predicted results. If Grade 12 or senior-level courses (or equivalent) are already completed, they'll be used to calculate the average. To learn more, please check out our
Admission Requirement Website.

I’m hoping to see campus. How can I take a campus tour?

We have a phrase that says “Choosing a university is a lot like buying a car! You need to test drive a car before you buy it”. The best way to get to know your future campus is to experience it with an online or in-person campus tour. Guided by one of our current students, you’ll explore our classrooms, residences, athletic facilities, and more. Following each tour, you’ll have the ability to meet and connect with a Recruitment or Admission Advisor to answer any admission questions you may have.

To view our in-person and virtual tour schedule, please
click here.