Statement on Relationships
Dennis Sumara (until June 2019)
Chair (originally Decanal Representative)
Lesley Rigg (as of July 2019)
Academic Staff
Bev Adams
Sandy Herschcovis
Michael Kehler
Jennifer Koshan (as of July 2019) -
Sexual Violence Support Advocate
Carla Bertsch
Legal Services
Deborah Book
SU Representative
Kevin Dang (as of July 2019)
Jessica Revington (as of June 2019) -
AUPE Representative
Renata Gordon
GSA Representative
Marcela Lopes
Mohamed Abdelsamie (as of December 2019) -
Post Doc Representative
Suman Nath
MAPS Representative (Until June 2019)
Crystal Raymond (until June 2019)
TUCFA Representative
Paul Rogers
Provost Representative and Faculty of Graduate Studies
Robin Yates
Committee Support
Heather Watkins Smith (until June 2019)
Sara Fedoruk (as of July 2019)

Who does this statement apply to?
This Statement clarifies the expectations that apply to members of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà community when close personal relationships or intimate relationships exist, or develop, between them.

Who do I contact if I think someone is violating the Statement of Relationships?
For further information, please see the Code of Conduct and the Graduate Supervision Policy. The Code of Conduct web page includes an FAQ with further detail, if required.
All UCalgary policies can be viewed online. Find them here.