Students must receive credit for five half courses in addition to five fourth-year engineering courses that are part of the undergraduate engineering degree requirements. The five courses that are to be completed in addition to the engineering degree requirements are:
1. Entrepreneurship and Innovation 201 Introduction to Business Venturing
2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation 381 Principles of Entrepreneurship
3. Entrepreneurship and Innovation 401 Opportunity Identification
4. Entrepreneurship and Innovation 405 New Venture Start-Up
5. One of the following options:
Business and Environment 395 Business Law for Strategic Decision-Makers*
Entrepreneurship and Innovation 403 New Venture Planning
Entrepreneurship and Innovation 499 Family Business Management
Finance 341 Canadian Business Finance
Finance 343 Personal Financial Management
Human Resourses and Organizational Dynamics 321 Human Resources and Organizational Dynamics**
Management Information Systems 321 Information Systems in Business Organizations
Marketing 341 Introduction to Marketing
Operations Management 301 Introduction to Production and Operations Management**
Note: Entrepreneurship and Innovation 201 and 381 must be taken first in order to fulfill prerequisite requirements for the other Entrepreneurship and Innovation courses.
*Not available as an option to Geomatics Engineering students who have completed Operations Management 301 as a Technical Elective in their Geomatics program.
**Not available as an option to students in Manufacturing Engineering.