1. Engineering 513 The Role and Responsibilities of the Professional Engineer in Society
2., 3. Geomatics Engineering 500 Geomatics Engineering Project (two half-course equivalents)
4. Geomatics Engineering 501 Field Surveys
5. - 10. Technical Electives (six half-course equivalents)
11., 12. Complementary Studies Courses (two half-course equivalents)
Geomatics Engineering Biomedical Engineering Specialization
1. Engineering 513 The Role and Responsibilities of the Professional Engineer in Society
2., 3. Geomatics Engineering 500 Geomatics Engineering Project (two half-course equivalents)
4. Geomatics Engineering 501 Field Surveys
5. Technical Electives (one half-course equivalent)
6., 7. Biomedical Engineering Technical Elective
8. - 10. Biomedical Engineering 500 Biomedical Engineering Research Thesis (three half-course equivalents)
8. Biomedical Engineering 501 Biomedical Engineering Project (one half-course equivalent)
9., 10. Biomedical Engineering or Geomatics Engineering Technical Electives (two half-course equivalents)
11., 12. Complementary Studies Courses (two half-course equivalents)
Geomatics Engineering Energy and Environment Specialization
1. Engineering 513 The Role and Responsibilities of the Professional Engineer in Society
2., 3. Geomatics Engineering 500 Geomatics Engineering Project (two half-course equivalents)
4. Geomatics Engineering 501 Field Surveys
5. Technical Elective (one half-course equivalent)
6. Science 529 Project Course in Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy
7. - 10. Energy and Environment, Engineering Technical Electives (four half -course equivalents)
11., 12. Complementary Studies Courses (two half-course equivalents)