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Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2009-2010 Who's Who Academic Staff R
  • Raber, E.L.; FRCPC, MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Radiology)
  • Rabi, D.; FRCPC, LMCC, BSc(Hons) (UWO), MD (UWO), MSc (UofC); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
  • Rabi, Y.; FRCPC (RCPSC), BSc(Hons) (UWO), Cert (UWO), MD (UWO); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
  • Rabin, H.R.; FRCPC, MD (UWO); Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Professor - Medicine (Microbiology & Infect Disease)
  • Radford, R.L.C.; BMus (Brandon), DMA (McGill), MMus (McGill); Instructor (Department of Music)
  • Radford, S.K.; PhD (MU), BEnvD (TUNS), BA (UNB), MBA (UNB); Assistant Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
  • Radmanesh, A.; PEng (APEGGA), BSc (Leeds), MEng (Sheffield), PhD (Sheffield); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Civil Engineering), Adjunct Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
  • Radtke, H.L.; MA (Carleton), PhD (Carleton), BA (Hons) (UofC); Professor (Psychology)
  • Raedler, T.J.; BCCM, ECFMG, FCR, MD (Hamburg), MD (LMU), Doctorate (TUM); Associate Professor - Medicine (Psychiatry)
  • Rafferty, N.S.; BA (Cambridge), LLB (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), LLM (UI); Professor (Faculty of Law)
  • Raffin Bouchal, D.S.; RN (MRC), BSc(Nur) (UofA), PhD (UofA), MN (UofC); Associate Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
  • Rahman, A.; MB BS, MMRC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
  • Rahman, M.S.; PhD (Purdue), BSc (SIU), MBA (SIU); Assistant Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
  • Raj, S.; MB BS, Cert (UofA), Cert (UofC), MSc (UofC); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
  • Ramasubbu, R.; FRCPC, LMCC, Dipl Psych (BU), MD (BU), MB BS (MKU), MRCPsych (RCP), MSc (UofT); Associate Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences), Associate Professor - Medicine (Psychiatry)
  • Ramirez-Serrano, A.; PEng (APEGGA), MSc (IIT), MSc (ITESM), BSc (Umet), PhD (UofT); Associate Professor (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)
  • Ramlall, A.K.; FRCPC, MD (McMaster), BSc (UofT); Clinical Associate Professor (Paediatrics)
  • Ramraj, R.S.; MA (UNB), BA (Hons) (UofLondon); Instructor (Department of English)
  • Ramraj, V.J.; MA (UNB), PhD (UNB), BA (Hons) (UofLondon); Professor (Department of English)
  • Ranawaya, R.N.; BS MD, FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
  • Rancourt, D.E.; PhD (Queen's), BSc(Hons) (UofG); Associate Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Associate Professor - Medicine (Medical Genetics), Associate Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
  • Randall, S.J.; BA (UWO), MA (UofT), PhD (UofT); Professor (History)
  • Rangayyan, R.M.; PEng (APEGGA), PhD (IISC), BEng (Mysore); Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng), University Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng), Adjunct Professor (Radiology), Adjunct Professor (Surgery)
  • Rankin, J.; BSc(Nur) (UBC), PhD (UVIC), Diploma (VGH); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
  • Rankin, J.A.; MSc (Edinburgh), RN (FSSN), BSc(Hons) (Stirling), Dip Nurs P (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
  • Ranson, G.C.; BA (UWA), DEdPostGrd (UWA), PhD (UofA), MA (UofC); Associate Professor (Sociology)
  • Rasmussen, S.L.; MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
  • Rassier, J.E.; MSc, BSc (UFPE), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
  • Rattner, J.B.; BSc (Miami Ohio), MSc (Texas), PhD (WUStL); Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Professor - Medicine (Oncology), Professor - Medicine (Cell Biology & Anatomy)
  • Rauk, A.; BSc(Hons) (Queen's), PhD (Queen's); Faculty Professor (Chemistry)
  • Ravani, P.; MSc, MD (UNIPR); Associate Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences), Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
  • Ray, D.I.; BA (UofC), MA (UofLondon), PhD (UofT); Professor (Political Science)
  • Raymond, J.S.; BA (UC), PhD (UI); Professor (Archaeology)
  • Raynolds, M.; PhD (UofA), BASc (Waterloo); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
  • Read, E.K.; DACVS, BSc (UofC), DVM (UofS), MVSc (UofS); Instructor (Vet Clinical & Diagnostic Scie)
  • Read, M.R.; Adjunct Assistant Professor (Vet Clinical & Diagnostic Scie)
  • Read, R.R.; FRCPC, BSc (UofC), MD (UofC), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Associate Professor - Medicine (Microbiology & Infect Disease)
  • Read Paul, L.C.; BSc(Nur) (UBC), MN (UofA); Clinical Associate (Faculty of Nursing)
  • Reaume, R.D.; BA (UofA), MLIS (UofA); Associate Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
  • Rebeyka, I.M.; FRCPC, MD; Clinical Professor (Cardiac Science), Clinical Professor (Paediatrics)
  • Reckseidler-Zenteno, S.L.; BSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Microbiology & Infect Disease)
  • Redding, K.G.; MD; Clinical Lecturer (Department of Medicine)
  • Reddy, N.; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
  • Reed, A.R.; LMCC, MB BS (UNCL); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
  • Reese-Taylor, K.V.; MA (TAMU), PhD (Texas), BA (Hons) (UH); Associate Professor (Archaeology)
  • Regehr, T.D.; MA (Carleton), BA (UofA), PhD (UofA); Adjunct Professor (History)
  • Reid, D.F.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Radiology)
  • Reid, D.M.; BSc (QUnBelf), PhD (QUnBelf); Faculty Professor (Biological Sciences)
  • Reid, L.F.; BSc(Hons) (Ottawa), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Senior Instructor (Department  of Geoscience)
  • Reid, M.L.; MSc (Carleton), BSc(Hons) (Queen's), PhD (SFU); Associate Professor (Biological Sciences), Associate Professor (Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Reilly, S.M.; EdD (Columbia), MEd (Columbia), BSc(Nur) (Hbell), RN (SMSN); Associate Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
  • Reilly, T.A.; BA (Hons) (Trent U), MA (York); Archivist (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
  • Reimer, R.A.; RegDietcn, BSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Associate Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
  • Reinhardt, P.H.; FRCPC, BSc (UofC), MD (UofC), MSc (UofC); Clinical Lecturer (Psychiatry)
  • Remesat, D.S.J.; PEng (APEGGA), MBA (HeriotWatt), BSc (McMaster), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
  • Remington, B.K.; MD; Clinical Lecturer (Department of Medicine)
  • Remington, T.K.; BSc, FRCPC, MBA, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
  • Remmers, J.E.; BA (Dartmouth), BMSc (Dartmouth), MD (Harvard); Clinical Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Professor (Physiology & Biophysics)
  • Rendall, D.A.; PhD (PENN), MA (UC), PhD (UC), BSc (UofC); Adjunct Associate Professor (Anthropology)
  • Rettie, K.M.; FRAI, FRGS, BGS (AU), PhD (St.Andrew), MA (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Geography)
  • Retzer, E.C.; MD; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
  • Rewcastle, J.C.; BSc (McMaster), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Radiology)
  • Reynolds, J.D.; PhD (ANU), BSc(Hons) (UNSW); Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Assoc Dean (Research) (Department of Medicine), Professor - Medicine (Cell Biology & Anatomy), Professor - Medicine (Physiology & Biophysics)
  • Riabowol, K.T.; BSc(Hons) (SFU), PhD (UAMS); Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
  • Ribble, C.S.; BSc (UBC), PhD (UofG), DVM (UofS), MSc (UofS); Professor (Ecosystem & Public Health)
  • Ricento, T.K.; BA (Gettysburg), PhD (UC), MA (USC); Professor (Faculty of Education), Chair English as an Add Lang (Faculty of Education)
  • Rich, T.A.; Cert (CFPC), MBBS (UBC), MD (UBC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
  • Richer, J.; PhD (Paris), BA (Hons) (UdeM), MA (UdeM), PhD (UdeM); Assistant Professor (French Italian & Spanish)
  • Richter, M.M.; Dr Habil (EKUT), DrRrNat (Fribourg); Adjunct Professor (Computer Science)
  • Ricker, D.L.; BComm (UofC), MBA (UofC); Senior Instructor (Haskayne School of Business)
  • Rickhi, B.G.; MB BS; Clinical Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
  • Riediger, C.L.; MSc (UBC), BSc(Hons) (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Professor (Department  of Geoscience)
  • Rigby, I.J.; FRCPC, BSc(Hons) (UofA), MD (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
  • Rigby, R.S.; CCFP, BSc (UofM), MD (UofM); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
  • Riley, Y.; BA (Ottawa), BA (Hons) (Seijo), MA (Seijo); Senior Instructor (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)
  • Rinker, K.D.; PEng (APEGGA), PhD (NCSU), BSc (UA); Associate Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng), Associate Professor - Medicine (Physiology & Biophysics)
  • Rios, C.; MSc (UM), PhD (UM); Assistant Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
  • Rioux, K.P.; FRCPC, MD (UofC), PhD (UofC), BSc (UofS); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Microbiology & Infect Disease)
  • Ritchie, J.R.B.; BSc(Hons) (Queen's), MSc (Queen's), PhD (UWO); Professor (Haskayne School of Business), Prof of Tourism, Hosp & Enter (Haskayne School of Business)
  • Ritter, E.A.; PhD (MIT), BComm(Hon) (Queen's); Associate Professor (Linguistics)
  • Ro, D.K.; BSc(Agr) (Korea), PhD (UBC); Assistant Professor (Biological Sciences)
  • Robbins, S.M.; PhD (UBC), BSc(Hons) (York); Associate Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Associate Professor - Medicine (Oncology), Tier ll CRC-Molec Genet/Cancer (Oncology)
  • Roberge, K.L.; Cert (CFPC), BSc (McGill), MD (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
  • Roberts, C.A.; MEDes (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Environmental Design)
  • Roberts, J.K.; ME (Queen's), PhD (Queen's), BA (Hons) (Waterloo); Associate Professor (Economics), Tier II CRC in Economics Org (Economics)
  • Roberts, R.; BArch (UW), MArch (UW); Adjunct Associate Professor (Environmental Design)
  • Robertson, D.F.; FRCPC, MD, MSc; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
  • Robertson, H.L.; MLIS (UofA), BA (UofC); Associate Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
  • Robertson, L.H.; BSc, FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
  • Robertson, M.A.; BSc, FRCPC, MBBS; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
  • Robertson, S.E.; CPSYCH (CAP), BEd (MTA), BSc (MTA), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor (Faculty of Education)
  • Robinson, E.L.; BA Ed (Ryerson), MD (UofC), MEd (UofT); Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
  • Robinson, J.W.; MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC), BSc(Hons) (York); Adjunct Associate Professor (Psychology), Adjunct Associate Professor (Oncology)
  • Robinson, M.J.; MBA (UWO), PhD (UWO), BMath (Waterloo); Associate Professor (Haskayne School of Business), Assoc Dean (Exec Prog) (Haskayne School of Business)
  • Robinson, R.W.; Adjunct Professor (Psychology)
  • Robinson Vollman, A.L.; MA (Ottawa), PhD (Ottawa), BSc(Nur) (UofS), RN (UofS); Adjunct Associate Professor (Community Health Sciences)
  • Rock, M.J.; BA (Hons) (McGill), PhD (McGill), MSW (UofT); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Anthropology), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences), Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
  • Rodrigues, L.O.; MArch (MIT), BArch (McGill), BSc (McGill); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Environmental Design)
  • Roesler, R.; PhD (Bremen), MSc (UBB); Associate Professor (Chemistry)
  • Roessingh, H.; BEd (UofC), MA (UofC), PhD (UofC); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Education)
  • Rogers, C.A.; BSc(Nur) (McMaster), MHSc (McMaster); Associate Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
  • Rogers, P.; PEng (APEGGA), BA (Hons) (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), MEng (Cambridge), PhD (Cambridge); Associate Professor (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)
  • Rogers, S.M.; PhD (Laval), BSc (UNB), MSc (UNB); Assistant Professor (Biological Sciences)
  • Roggensack, A.M.; FRCPC (RCPSC), BMSc (UofA), MD (UofA); Clinical Assistant Professor (Obstetrics & Gynecology)
  • Rohleder, T.R.; MBA, PhD, BSB (UM), PhD (UM); Professor (Haskayne School of Business), Assoc Dean (Research) (Haskayne School of Business)
  • Rohlman, E.M.; BA (UDayton), MA (UVA), PhD (UVA); Assistant Professor (Dept of Religious Studies)
  • Rokne, A.S.; BEd (UofC), MEd (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Education)
  • Rokne, J.G.; MSc (UofA), PhD (UofC); Professor (Computer Science)
  • Roland, B.; DABMG, FCCMG (CCMG), MSc (Laval), BSc(Hons) (Queen's), MD (UofC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Medical Genetics), Associate Professor - Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
  • Rollin, O.; BEd (UofC), MA (UofC); Instructor (French Italian & Spanish)
  • Romanchuk, K.G.; FRCPC, MD (UofS); Professor - Medicine (Surgery)
  • Romano, C.C.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Radiology)
  • Ronsky, J.L.; PEng (APEGGA), PhD (UofC), BASc (Waterloo); Professor (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng), Tier ll CRC-Biomedical Engg (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng), Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
  • Rook, J.; BA, MDiv (McMaster), PhD (Oxford); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
  • Rorstad, O.P.; FRCPC, LMCC, PhD (McGill), BSc (UBC), MD (UBC); Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
  • Rosales, J.L.; MOM (UC), PhD (UC), DVM (UP); Research Assistant Professor (Biochem & Molecular Biology)
  • Rose, K.J.; BA (Hons) (UWO), MA (UWO), Ph.D (UWO); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Psychology)
  • Rosehart, W.D.; PEng (APEGGA), BSc (Waterloo), MASc (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
  • Rosen, W.S.; BA, FACS, FRCSC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
  • Rosengarten, A.M.; Clinical Associate Professor (Obstetrics & Gynecology)
  • Ross, B.C.; BSc, FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
  • Ross, G.A.; MSc (Cornell), MEng (UC), PhD (UC), BSc (UofA); Adjunct Associate Professor (Environmental Design)
  • Ross, M.J.; BSc, MD; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
  • Ross, S.A.; FRACP, MBBS, MRACP; Clinical Professor (Department of Medicine)
  • Ross, S.J.; BSc(Hons) (Aberdeen), MPhil (Aberdeen), PhD (Aberdeen), MBA (Glasgow); Professor - Medicine (Obstetrics & Gynecology)
  • Rostom, A.; FRCPC, BSc (Ottawa), MD (Ottawa), MSc (Ottawa); Associate Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences), Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
  • Roth, S.H.; BSP (UofT), MSc (UofT), PhD (UofT); Professor - Medicine (Anaesthesia), Professor - Medicine (Pharmacology & Therapeutics)
  • Rothery, M.A.; MSW (UBC), BA (UofS), PhD (UofT); Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
  • Rothschild, J.M.; MB BS; Clinical Associate Professor (Cardiac Science)
  • Rothwell, B.C.; MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
  • Rottger, P.J.; BAO, MBBS; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
  • Roughley, R.A.; BEd (Brock), MEd (Queen's); Instructor (Teaching & Learning Centre)
  • Roullet, J.P.; Cert (Paris), Diploma (Paris), PhD (Paris); Adjunct Associate Professor (Pharmacology & Therapeutics)
  • Rourke, L.A.; BA (Laurentian), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
  • Rowney, J.I.A.; BSc(Nur) (UBC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
  • Rowntree, C.I.; CCFP, LMCC, BSc(Hons) (UofC), MD (UofC), MSc (UofC); Clinical Associate Professor (Family Medicine)
  • Rowse, J.G.; PhD (UM), BA (Hons) (UofM); Professor (Economics)
  • Roxburgh, P.A.; MB BS; Clinical Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
  • Roy, M.; DACVIM, PhD (McGill), DVM (UdeM); Assistant Professor (Vet Clinical & Diagnostic Scie)
  • Roy, S.; MA (Montpelier), BPE (Sherbrooke), MA (UQC), PhD (UofT); Associate Professor (Faculty of Education)
  • Rubin, Y.; FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
  • Ruckstuhl, K.E.; BSc (Bern), MSc (Bern), PhD (Sherbrooke); Assistant Professor (Biological Sciences)
  • Rudy, S.A.; MA (UNB), BA (Hons) (WLU), PhD (York); Professor (Department of English)
  • Ruether, J.D.; FRCPC (RCPSC), BMSc (UofA), MD (UofA); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
  • Ruhe, G.; DMath (Leipzig), Dr Habil (LeipzigTec), RNDr (TUBAF), Dr Habil (TUKL); Professor (Computer Science), Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
  • Rundle, V.J.; PhD (PENN), BA (Hons) (UWO), MA (UWO), BSc(Hons) (UofG); Associate Professor (Department of English)
  • Ruparell, T.; PhD (Cambridge), BSc (UofA), BA (UofC), MA (UofC); Assistant Professor (Dept of Religious Studies)
  • Russell, A.P.; BSc (Exeter), PhD (UofLondon); Professor (Biological Sciences)
  • Russell, B.H.; MSc (Durham), PhD (UofC), BSc (UofS), Cert (UofS); Adjunct Professor (Department  of Geoscience)
  • Russell, I.S.; BSc, FRCSC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
  • Russell, J.A.; MA, MB; Clinical Professor (Department of Medicine)
  • Russell, M.L.; CCFP, FRCPC (RCPSC), BSc (UofC), MD (UofC), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences), Associate Professor - Medicine (Surgery)
  • Russell-Mayhew, M.K.; BSc (UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Education)
  • Rusted, B.; PhD (NWU), MA (PENN), BA (Trent U), MA (UofT); Associate Professor (Communication & Culture)
  • Rutherford, S.; MLIS (Dalhousie), BA (UVIC); Associate Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
  • Ruwanpura, J.Y.; MSc (ASU), BSc (Sri Lanka), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor (Civil Engineering), Tier II CRC Proj Mgmt Systems (Civil Engineering)
  • Ryan, C.M.; BASc (Queen's), MSc (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Associate Professor (Department  of Geoscience), Associate Professor (Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Ryan, J.P.; FRCPC, MD, MSc; Clinical Associate Professor (Department of Medicine)
  • Ryan, J.P.; FRCPC, LMCC, FELLOW (RCSI), MBBChBAO (RCSI); Clinical Associate Professor (Psychiatry)