Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà : Education EDUC


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Summary of Revisions
Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2014-2015 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Course Descriptions E Education EDUC
Education EDUC

Additional graduate education courses are offered under the course headings Educational Psychology (EDPS) and Educational Research (EDER).

Instruction offered by members of the Werklund School of Education and by others.

Associate Dean - D. Gereluk

Junior Courses
Education 201       Introduction to Educational Studies
An introduction to the breadth and complexity of educational studies. Unique among academic domains, educational studies not only arises in the intersections of many other fields – including psychology, sociology, anthropology, and a range of disciplinary domains – it must also be responsive to a rapidly changing world.
Course Hours:
It is required that all concurrent students complete Education 201 prior to entering the third year of the concurrent program. Concurrent students who have not completed Education 201 cannot progress to Semester 1 of the BEd program.
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Senior Courses
Education 420       Issues in Learning and Teaching
Presents an overview of the central issues related to the nature of learning and teaching for those preparing for the teaching profession. Themes include: the nature of learning; current realities in society; patterns of growth and development; and the changing dynamics of the teaching profession.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 401)
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Education 427       Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
An introduction to key elements of STEM Education, including curriculum, pedagogy, standards and assessment. Participants will learn how to engage students and integrate STEM topics across all subject areas.
Course Hours:
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Education 430       Pragmatics of Learning and Teaching
Examines the concomitant requirements within which teachers operate. The major components that will be addressed include the ways in which teachers work within the parameters of prescribed curricula and assessment requirements, follow system and school policies, participate in team teaching and school culture, and reflect one’s work, values and goals.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 403)
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Education 435       Literacy, Language and Culture
The orienting principle is that every teacher is a teacher of reading. Includes a focus on the necessity for teachers across all disciplines and grades to attend to dimensions of language development, linguistic diversity, and literacy learning in their classrooms.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 404)
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Education 440       Field Experience I
Students will participate in Educational Rounds in school settings within and outside of their areas of specializations under the guidance of their university advisor and the partner school leadership team. They will explore the organization of learning in the school and the perspective of the learner and the teacher.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 405)
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Education 445       Individual Learning: Theories and Applications
Covers contemporary theories regarding the nature of individual learning. Students will examine the ways educators guide and support learning, design effective learning experiences, and understand underpinning factors related to individual learning. The application of these theories will be examined using examples that demonstrate and exemplify individual learning.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 406)
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Education 450       Diversity in Learning
Includes key topics in inclusive education from an interdisciplinary perspective.  The development and conception of diversity of learning will be examined from historical and contemporary perspectives.  Building upon this foundation, students will consider the multiple and contested ways in which diversity of learning has been conceived, implemented and evaluated in schools. 
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 407)
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Education 455       Professional Development and Lifelong Learning
Focuses on adult education perspectives on lifelong learning and the teaching profession. It emphasizes how novice teachers understand and encourage their learning, and the impacts of that learning on their teaching practice. Theoretical frameworks, philosophical underpinnings and reflections on experiences of adult learning will be explored.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 408)
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Education 460       Specialization I
Introduction on enacting pedagogy in each of the specialization in the program and pedagogical content knowledge in each specialization. Includes disciplinary ways of knowing, doing and being; understanding the Alberta Programs of Study; designing for deep understanding of learners.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 409)
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Education 465       Field Experience II
This block field experience will have major focus on the complexities of individual learning. Prospective teachers will have the opportunity to follow individual students through various classrooms within their assigned schools under the guidance of their university advisors and partner school leadership teams.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 411)
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Education 520       Interdisciplinary Learning 
Students will be introduced to new knowledge building experiences that deepen their understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of learning and practice in schools and societies. Particular attention will address how teachers integrate ideas to connect learning and knowledge between subject specializations in attending to complex forms of learning and understanding, and how teachers understand their agency and leadership roles in concert with the responsibility that accompanies it.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 502)
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Education 525       Ethics and Law in Education

An introduction to the historical genesis and institutional structure of Alberta's system of education; an understanding of its legal underpinnings; an opportunity for dialogue; on current  major issues in education; and discussion involving  ethical decision-making surrounding educational issues.

Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 503)
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Education 530       FNMI History, Education and Leadership
Students will be introduced to the national and international experiences and advances of Indigenous peoples as related to education. Particular attention will be given to understanding the histories and diversity of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples of Canada and the concomitant implications that this has for education policy and practice.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 505)
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Education 535       Specialization II
Deepens students’ knowledge on enacting pedagogy in each of the specialization in the program and their pedagogical content knowledge in each specialization.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 506)
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Education 540       Field Experience III
This team-oriented block practicum is founded upon the principles of collaborative learning. It includes structures and supports that promote positive interdependence, individual accountability, equal participation, and simultaneous interaction.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 508)
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Education 545       Elementary/Secondary Curriculum I
Within the overarching discipline of science, the major themes of environment, sustainability, and health and wellness will be examined through inquiry-based cases. Critical examination of science literacy and authentic science, particularly ethical, practical, and political dimensions. To reflect the role of science education in the 21st century globalized society.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 509)
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Education 550       Elementary/Secondary Curriculum II
Further develops the enactment of pedagogy in the core elementary and secondary school curriculum disciplines.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 510)
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Education 555       Assessment
An array of topics related to assessment to help students develop a professional level of knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to the philosophy, theory and pedagogical application of assessment practices for K-12 education.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 511)
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Education 560       Field Experience IV
In this extended block field experience, students will have an opportunity to work one-on-one to lead a class with a mentor teacher. They will be under the guidance of their university advisors and partner school leadership teams.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Education 513)
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Education 570       Field Experience for Certification
Students will participate in an extended block field experience to lead a class with a mentor teacher. Students will be supervised by their University field instructors and partner teachers.
Course Hours:
Restricted to students who require Alberta provincial certification or students who have received permission to register from the Associate Dean.
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