Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà : English for Academic Purposes Program EAPP


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Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2014-2015 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Course Descriptions E English for Academic Purposes Program EAPP
English for Academic Purposes Program EAPP

Core Program: English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Program

Admission to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Program courses is restricted to students whose native language is not English. Guidelines for admission to this program can be found under English for Academic Purposes in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.

EAPP Tier 1 Courses
English for Academic Purposes Program 170       Academic Writing and Grammar
Designed for low to high intermediate students of English as a Second Language. The course will focus on the skills required for writing academic paragraphs. Students will use a step by step process from brainstorming ideas to the final written product in order to develop structure along with the necessary grammar. The paragraph writing will progress to essay writing through the course using a variety of academic topics requiring a more precise use of language for description, opinion and explanation. Writers will practice their critical thinking skills as they analyse and evaluate the topic-related issues and develop their own ideas and ways to express them.
Course Hours:
EAP + Degree Program: iBT 70 or equivalencies; CAEL 50; IELTS 5.5 and entrance EAP Tier 1 performance on EAP Placement Test Open Studies: successful completion of PREP Tier 2 courses or entrance EAP Tier 1 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 173 and 177.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program.
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English for Academic Purposes Program 173       Reading Comprehension and Proficiency
Designed for low to high intermediate students of English as a Second Language. Students will use a variety of strategies to read academic and non-academic text to build vocabulary in context and to understand how authors structure language to communicate information and opinion in different types of compositions. Readings from a wide range of topics will challenge readers to practice and develop their language skills through discussions and written responses. Students will practice their critical thinking skills as they analyse and evaluate the readings and express their own ideas.
Course Hours:
EAP + Degree Program: iBT 70 or equivalencies; CAEL 50; IELTS 5.5 and entrance EAP Tier 1 performance on EAP Placement Test Open Studies: successful completion of PREP Tier 2 courses or entrance EAP Tier 1 performance on EAP Placement Test.
Corequisites: English for Academic Purposes Program 170 and 177.
Not available for Credit towards a degree/diploma program.
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English for Academic Purposes Program 177       Listening Comprehension and Oral Fluency
Designed for mid-level to high intermediate English as a Second Language students. Students will practice and develop their listening skills through live and recorded lectures and TV/radio broadcasts covering a wide range of academic topics in a variety of presentation styles such social, professional, and academic university-style lectures. Topic-related discussions, activities and presentations will challenge students to practice and develop speaking skills both inside and outside the classroom. Improving pronunciation and practicing communication skills for a variety of university and professional settings will be an integral part of the course - along with the development of critical thinking skills as students analyse, evaluate and read and express multiple perspectives in their writing and speaking.
Course Hours:
EAP + Degree Program: iBT 70 or equivalencies; CAEL 50; IELTS 5.5 and entrance EAP Tier 1 performance on EAP Placement Test Open Studies: successful completion of PREP Tier 2 courses or entrance EAP Tier 1 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 170 and 173.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program.
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EAPP Tier 2 Courses
English for Academic Purposes Program 180       Academic Writing and Grammar
To improve high intermediate to low advanced students' academic writing skills. Students will review and refine the essay structure - introductory, main body and concluding paragraphs with a focus on mastering the chronological, comparison and contrast essays. Emphasis will be placed upon the sequence of steps in the writing process such as brainstorming, outlining, conferencing, revising, and editing. Students will learn to use varied sentence types and will experiment with more sophisticated writing techniques. Advanced grammar concepts will be studied and incorporated in written work. In addition, students will learn about developing research topics, summarizing, paraphrasing, incorporating concrete support and documenting academic references.
Course Hours:
EAP + Degree Program: minimum iBT 70 or equivalencies; CAEL 50; IELTS 5.5 and entrance EAP Tier 2 performance on EAP Placement Test or successful completion of EAPP Tier 1 courses Open Studies: successful completion of EAPP Tier 1 courses or entrance EAP Tier 2 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 183 and 187.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program.
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English for Academic Purposes Program 183       Reading Comprehension and Proficiency
A reading course for high intermediate to low advanced students to continue to refine their reading skills within theme-based chapters in preparation for academic content. Students will build academic vocabulary, study word derivatives, and will increase their ability to use an advanced English dictionary. Students will learn and use critical thinking strategies to respond to texts and articles through discussion, debate and written assignments. In addition to the themes studied in the textbook, students will begin to explore literature available at the university including academic journals of interest to their future studies.
Course Hours:
EAP + Degree Program: minimum iBT 70 or equivalencies; CAEL 50; IELTS 5.5 and entrance EAP Tier 2 performance on EAP Placement Test or successful completion of EAPP Tier 1 courses Open Studies: successful completion of EAPP Tier 1 courses or entrance EAP Tier 2 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 180 and 187.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program.
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English for Academic Purposes Program 187       Listening Comprehension and Oral Fluency
High intermediate to low advanced students will continue to practice and develop their academic listening and speaking skills in preparation for university life. Through the themes of the textbook, students will further explore and hone critical thinking skills useful for analysing and responding to information in a variety of academic settings. Real lectures broken down into parts will allow students the opportunity to practice the skills and strategies taught at a manageable pace. Students will also attend on-campus lectures of their choice to practice note-taking in a real university classroom. Students will develop strategies to increase and use academic vocabulary and will be challenged to practice their pronunciation and communication skills through presentations and interactive assignments.
Course Hours:
EAP + Degree Program: minimum iBT 70 or equivalencies; CAEL 50; IELTS 5.5 and entrance EAP Tier 2 performance on EAP Placement Test or successful completion of EAPP Tier 1 courses Open Studies: successful completion of EAPP Tier 1 courses or entrance EAP Tier 2 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 180 and 183.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program.
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EAPP Tier 3 Courses
English for Academic Purposes Program 190       Academic Writing and Grammar
Develop advanced writing skills while reviewing the various organizational patterns for multi-disciplinary academic essays appropriate for undergraduate study at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ. Advanced grammatical and mechanical concepts are fostered so that there is there is control over common sentence patterns, grammar and spelling. Students will develop an understanding of the process approach to writing, and learn to avoid plagiarism through appropriate referencing, documenting, paraphrasing and summarizing. Critical thinking strategies will be promoted in order for students to create individual conclusions about issues and materials to be discussed in class.
Course Hours:
EAP + Degree Program: minimum iBT 70 or equivalencies; CAEL 50; IELTS 5.5 and entrance EAP Tier 3 performance on EAP Placement Test or successful completion of EAPP Tier 2 courses Open Studies: successful completion of EAPP Tier 2 courses or entrance EAP Tier 3 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 193 and 197.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program. Students may take one credit half course, with EAP Co-ordinator approval, while enrolled in Tier 3 courses.
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English for Academic Purposes Program 193       Reading Comprehension and Proficiency
Develop advanced reading skills appropriate for undergraduate study at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ. Effective reading strategies are covered while students gain familiarity with the genres of text found in a variety of disciplines at the undergraduate level. These texts will be used for obtaining information and building vocabulary through the analysis of syntactic and contextual clues. Students will employ critical thinking strategies in order to reach independent conclusions about a text and respond analytically through written assignments, discussion, and short presentations.
Course Hours:
EAP + Degree Program: minimum iBT 70 or equivalencies; CAEL 50; IELTS 5.5 and entrance EAP Tier 3 performance on EAP Placement Test or successful completion of EAPP Tier 2 courses Open Studies: successful completion of EAPP Tier 2 courses or entrance EAP Tier 3 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 190 and 197.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program. Students may take one credit half course, with EAP Co-ordinator approval, while enrolled in Tier 3 courses.
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English for Academic Purposes Program 197       Listening Comprehension and Oral Fluency
Master the listening and speaking skills necessary for undergraduate study at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ. Lectures from a variety of disciplines will be analysed so that students can develop valuable comprehension strategies, including preparing for a lecture and taking effective notes. The focus will be on obtaining key information as well as understanding the general idea. Academic discussions about complex, abstract, and detailed topics covered in the lectures will be held in order to analyse, problem solve, and make decisions. Oral presentation techniques will be further explored by the students as they become familiar with the appropriate register required for academic situations. Pronunciation will be practiced so that effective control over the phonological system of the English language can be expanded, leading to little difficulty on the part of a listener understanding the student. Critical thinking strategies will be fostered in order to draw independent conclusions in university level lectures and discussions.
Course Hours:
EAP + Degree Program: minimum iBT 70 or equivalencies; CAEL 50; IELTS 5.5 and entrance EAP Tier 3 performance on EAP Placement Test or successful completion of EAPP Tier 2 courses Open Studies: successful completion of EAPP Tier 2 courses or entrance EAP Tier 3 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 190 and 193.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program. Students may take one credit half course, with EAP Co-ordinator approval, while enrolled in Tier 3 courses.
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Preparation (PREP) for the English for Academic Purposes Program Admission to Preparation (PREP) for the English for Academic Purposes Program courses is restricted to students whose native language is not English. Guidelines for admission to this program can be found under English for Academic Purposes in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.
PREP  Tier 1 Courses
English for Academic Purposes Program 150       Academic Writing and Grammar
Develop basic writing and grammar skills of standard written English. The focus is placed on the development of simple and compound sentences. Students will also learn appropriate use of modifiers, noun phrases, past and future verb tenses, repositions, comparatives, articles, spelling, punctuation and work on expanding their range of academic vocabulary.
Course Hours:
(Open Studies Students Only): entrance PREP Tier 1 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 153 and 157.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program.
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English for Academic Purposes Program 153       Reading Comprehension and Proficiency
The development of academic literacy skills. Topics covered in the course are reading for comprehension, improvement in reading speed, vocabulary expansion. Development of dictionary and thesaurus skills via use of monolingual English dictionaries and thesauri will also an essential aspect of the course. Other sub-topics covered will be word forms, determining meaning for words in context, and the use of basic affixes in the prediction of meaning.
Course Hours:
(Open Studies Students Only): entrance PREP Tier 1 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 150 and 157.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program.
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English for Academic Purposes Program 157       Listening Comprehension and Oral Fluency
Continues the development of basic listening comprehension and speaking skills which are essential for university bound students. Listening strategies and exercises will focus on comprehension of live or recorded audio instructions. Students will focus on comprehension and identification of vocabulary, argument development, main ideas and other specific details during listening practice. Speaking will focus on oral grammar, pronunciation, and basic rules of Canadian English discourse.
Course Hours:
(Open Studies Students Only): entrance PREP Tier 1 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 150 and 153.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program.
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PREP Tier 2 Courses
English for Academic Purposes Program 160       Academic Writing and Grammar
Develop writing fluency through study and practice of compound and complex sentence patterns used in standard written English. The main focus of this course will be the process of paragraph analysis and composition. This course will also integrate aspects of complex grammar structures and their appropriate usage.
Course Hours:
(Open Studies Students Only) Successful completion of PREP Tier 1 or entrance PREP Tier 2 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 163 and 167.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program.
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English for Academic Purposes Program 163       Reading Comprehension and Proficiency
Emphasizes the development of academic literacy skills. Instruction will primarily be focused on recognition of word pair analogies, common idiomatic expressions, and higher level vocabulary. Students will also learn about inference, context clues, and predicting meaning from their readings. Students in this course will be introduced to multiple genres of reading materials in both fiction and non-fiction format.
Course Hours:
(Open Studies Students Only) Successful completion of PREP Tier 1 or entrance PREP Tier 2 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 160 and 167.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program.
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English for Academic Purposes Program 167       Listening Comprehension and Oral Fluency
A continuation of the development of listening comprehension and speaking skills which are essential for university bound students. Students will use communication skills and vocabulary from their corequisite courses in order to communicate in a variety of formal and informal situations. Focus will be placed on the development of pronunciation skills, public speaking, formal class presentations, and, appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, and development of interviewing strategies. Listening strategies and exercises will focus on comprehension of live or recorded audio instructions and stories. Students will focus on comprehension and identification of vocabulary, argument development, main ideas and other specific details during listening practice.
Course Hours:
(Open Studies Students Only) Successful completion of PREP Tier 1 or entrance PREP Tier 2 performance on EAP Placement Test.
English for Academic Purposes Program 160 and 163.
Not available for credit towards a degree/diploma program.
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