Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà : 4.4.3 Programs in Geophysics



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4.4 Geoscience
4.4.1 Programs in Geology
4.4.2 Programs in Geology (Petroleum Geology Concentration)
4.4.3 Programs in Geophysics
4.4.4 Environmental Science - Geology Concentration
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Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2018-2019 Faculty of Science 4. Program Details 4.4 Geoscience 4.4.3 Programs in Geophysics
4.4.3 Programs in Geophysics

See the sections on Enrolment Limitations under the Department of Geoscience and under Section 3 (Faculty Regulations).

Courses constituting the field of Geophysics
Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section 3 (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 3.4A (Program Requirements - Major Degree Programs) and 3.5B (Introductory Courses for Science Degree Programs).

33 units (5.5 full-course equivalents) - Geophysics 355, 351 or 359, 419, 453, 457, 517, 547, 549, 551, 557, 559

15 units (2.5 full-course equivalents) - Geology 201, 202 or 203, 343, 381, 445 or 341

3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) - Applied Mathematics 415 or Mathematics 415

6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) - Chemistry 201 or 211, and 203 or 213

3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) - Computer Science 217 or 231 or 235

3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) - Mathematics 249 or 265 or 275

9 units (1.5 full-course equivalents) - Mathematics 211; 253 or 267 or 277; 331

12 units (2.0 full-course equivalents) - Physics 211 or 221, 223, 321, 323

6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) - Science or Engineering options from the following:

1Recommended options. Some of the Petroleum Engineering courses have Petroleum Engineering 523 as a prerequisite. Students are advised to take Petroleum Engineering 523 in the Fall Term.

18 units (3.0 full-course equivalents) - Breadth Requirement (see Notes)

12 units (2.0 full-course equivalents) - Options (science options are recommended)


  • Breadth Requirement: Options from faculties other than the Faculty of Science (check Table I in 3.4 Program Requirements for ineligible courses). Of these 18 units (3.0 full-course equivalents), at least 6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) must be from the Faculty of Arts. Science 311 may be counted among the 18 units (3.0 full-course equivalents) from other faculties.
  • The Major program may contain a maximum of 66 units (11.0 full-course equivalents) from the Field of Geophysics, and the Honours program may contain a maximum of 78 units (13.0 full-course equivalents) from the Field of Geophysics.
  • 600-level courses are available to fourth year students with prerequisites and consent of the Department.
  • The Majors and Honours programs in Geophysics meet the current academic requirements for professional registration with APEGA.
  • Geophysics majors are allowed to replace Mathematics 331 with 367 or 377 in their programs as long as they also take either Applied Mathematics 311 or Mathematics 376 as a Science Option or Option in their programs. Such a replacement should be made by Geophysics majors wishing to do an Applied Mathematics Minor program, as Mathematics 331 is not accepted in the Applied Mathematics minor program.
Required Courses - Honours Program

See also Section 3 (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 3.4C (Program Requirements - Honours Degree Programs) and 3.5B (Introductory Courses for Science Degree Programs).

36 units (6.0 full-course equivalents) - Geophysics 355, 351 or 359, 419, 453, 457, 509, 517, 547, 549, 551, 557, 559

15 units (2.5 full-course equivalents) - Geology 201, 202 or 203, 343 or 341, 381, 445 or 341

3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) - Applied Mathematics 413 or Mathematics 413

3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) - Applied Mathematics 415 or Mathematics 415

6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) - Chemistry 201 or 211, and 203 or 213

3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) - Computer Science 217 or 231 or 235

3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) - Mathematics 249 or 265 or 275

9 units (1.5 full-course equivalents) - Mathematics 211; 253 or 267 or 277; 331

3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) - Statistics 327

12 units (2.0 full-course equivalents) - Physics 211 or 221, 223, 321, 323

6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) - Science or Engineering options from the following:

1Recommended options. Some of the Petroleum Engineering courses have Petroleum Engineering 523 as a prerequisite. Students are advised to take Petroleum Engineering 523 in the Fall Term.

18 units (3.0 full-course equivalents) - Breadth Requirement (see Notes)

3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) - Option (science option is recommended)


  • Breadth Requirement: Options from faculties other than the Faculty of Science (check Table I in 3.4 Program Requirements for ineligible courses). Of these 18 units (3.0 full-course equivalents), at least 6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) must be from the Faculty of Arts. Science 311 may be counted among the 18 units (3.0 full-course equivalents) from other faculties.
  • The Honours program may contain a maximum of 78 units (13.0 full-course equivalents) from the Field of Geophysics.
  • 600-level courses are available to fourth year students with prerequisites and consent of the Department.
  • The Honours programs in Geophysics meet the current academic requirements for professional registration with APEGA.
  • Geophysics majors are allowed to replace Mathematics 331 with 367 or 377 in their programs as long as they also take either Applied Mathematics 311 or Mathematics 376 as a Science Option or Option in their programs. Such a replacement should be made by Geophysics majors wishing to do an Applied Mathematics Minor program, as Mathematics 331 is not accepted in the Applied Mathematics minor program.
Required Courses - Minor Program

6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) - Geophysics 355, and 351 or 359

6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) - Geology 201, and 202 or 203

6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) - Physics 211 or 221, and 223

3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) - Geology 341 or 343 or Physics 321 or 323

6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) - Geophysics 453 and one of Geophysics 565, Physics 321, orÌý323.

3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) - One of Geophysics 419, 517, 547, 551, 557, 559

Mathematics and Physics prerequisites for the preceding courses as needed.

Suggested Program Sequence

First Year


Geology 201

Geology 202

Mathematics 249 or 265 or 275

Mathematics 267 or 277

Chemistry 201 or 211

Chemistry 203 or 213

Physics 211 or 221

Physics 223

Non-science option

Non-science option

Second Year


Geophysics 351

Geophysics 355

Geology 381

Mathematics 331

Mathematics 211

Geology 343

Physics 323

Physics 321

Non-science option

Non-science option

Third Year


Geophysics 453

Geology 445

Science or Engineering option (for Majors); or Mathematics 413 or Applied Mathematics 413 (for Honours)

Geophysics 457

Computer Science 217 or 231 or 235

Applied Mathematics 415 or Mathematics 415

Option (science recommended)

Geophysics 419

Non-science option

Non-science option

Fourth Year


Geophysics 5491

Geophysics 547

Geophysics 517

Geophysics 557

Geophysics 551

Geophysics 559

Option (science recommended) or Geophysics 509 (for Honours)

Science or Engineering option (for Majors), or Statistics 327 (for Honours)



1Geophysics 549 is a field school that runs for about 10-12 days prior to the Fall Term.