Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà : Post-degree Undergraduate: Bridge to Teaching


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Post-degree Undergraduate: Bridge to Teaching
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Graduate Studies Calendar 2012-2013 Program Descriptions Education Graduate Programs Educational Research (EDER) Post-degree Undergraduate: Bridge to Teaching
Post-degree Undergraduate: Bridge to Teaching
1. Graduate Certificate: Bridge to Teaching

Graduate Programs in Education offers a Post-degree Undergraduate Certificate: Bridge to Teaching for foreign-trained, experienced teachers whose first language is not English and who require additional advanced course credits in order to teach in K-12 schools in Alberta. Bridge to Teaching is a full-time program with 18 senior undergraduate course credits in education, including practicum. All courses need to be taken in a prescribed sequence, over one school year (September to April). For additional information please consult: .

2. Admission Requirements

Requirements for admission to the Bridge to Teaching Certificate include:

a) A four-year baccalaureate degree in Education or an equivalent degree from a recognized institution, with a grade point average of at least 3.00 or equivalent.

b) A letter from an evaluator at Alberta Education’s Professional Standards Branch. For further information, go to .

c) Language Proficiency Requirement:

i. An overall score of 93 with a minimum score of 27 in the speaking component on TOEFL (the Internet-Based Test of English as a Foreign Language); OR

ii. A minimum overall band average of 8.0 with no band below 7.0 on the International English Language Test System (IELTS—Academic Module); OR

iii. Graduation from Tier 3 of the English for Academic Purposes Program (EAP) at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ.

d) One official transcript from all post-secondary institutions attended.

e) A successful interview with the Program Coordinator for Bridge to Teaching.

Note: Completion of English for Academic Purposes for Teachers is highly recommended prior to program start (see for more information). Exceptions may be granted by the Vice-Dean and the Program Coordinator.

3. Application Deadline

The deadline for submission of complete applications is May 25 for September admission.

For program information and application procedures, please visit the Graduate Programs in Education website at: .

4. Advanced Credit


5. Program Requirements

A total of 18 course credits including 10 weeks of practicum.

Required Courses:

Semester 1

Historical, Cultural and Contemporary Issues in Canadian Education
Teaching in Alberta Classrooms I
Practicum I

Semester 2

Teaching and Learning Across the Curriculum with Educational Technologies
Teaching in Alberta Classrooms II
Practicum II


  • Failure to attend the term to which a student has been admitted will result in the admission being rescinded.
  • Failure to successfully complete the practicum component will result in withdrawal from the program.

General Notes:

  • Completion of the Bridge to Teaching Certificate may not fulfill the requirements for teacher certification in Alberta.
  • The Bridge to Teaching courses are recognized by the Professional Standards Branch of Alberta Education as fulfilling the requirements for 18 credits in Education coursework at the advanced level, and 10 weeks of supervised student teaching placement (practicum) in an Alberta classroom.
6. Additional Requirements


7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses


8. Time Limit

Expected completion time is eight (8) months.