mr centre research banner

Research Access

Learn about requirements and procedures for using our research resources

View the Booking Calendars

Check availability of our Centre resources: our 3 T MR Diagnostic Scanner, our Conference Room, and our Consult Room.

Booking a Subject

To book a subject, please use the online form and follow the booking instructions. Computer must be either on the AHS or U of C network to access the booking form.

Research Dataset Hosting Request

Send a request to host an eligible MR research dataset

Research Study Procedures

Learn more about the steps involved for conducting a research study at the SFMRC.

Request a New Study

New study proposals are submitted and placed Under Review. All requests for access to Seaman Family Centre resources are vetted via our Scientific Review Committee.

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Study Kickoff and Approval

At the Kick Off Meeting, we will review the process of booking your subjects and address any special circumstance or concerns. Once any remaining issues are resolved, then your study will become Active and you will be able to book subjects.

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Modify a Study

Studies requiring changes to their protocol should be discussed with the Seaman Family Centre staff.

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Execute an Approved Study

The 3 T MR scanner is typically available on weekdays during normal business operating hours to conduct research MRI scans. See details about operating hours and booking procedures.

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Finish a Study

See the procedures for Finishing a study, including possible study extension beyond original ethics approval.

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Close a Study

Learn about the procedure for Closing a study and archiving image data.

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