Contact us


You are not alone.

Reach out if and when you are ready for support. 

Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Support

Office location: MSC 488, MacEwan Student Centre, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB.

We try to be present in the office for walk-ins as often as possible, but due to the nature of the office’s work, we are not always in the office from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Please reach out to svsa@ucalgary.ca if you come by and we are not there to meet you—we will make time to connect with you right away!

Email: svsa@ucalgary.ca

Meg Martin

Meg Martin

Manager, SGBV Prevention and Response 
MC, Registered Psychologist - Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Meg is an experienced facilitator and speaker, with a background as a therapist, educator, and advocate. She has extensive experience working with non-profit agencies in Calgary in front-line service provision and leadership roles in Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and serving youth and their families experiencing challenges like traumatic grief and loss, addictions, and sexual exploitation. Meg started her career in student affairs at Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà where she began as a student leader, and served in roles responsible for the development, facilitation, and coordination of student supports. When she’s not at work, Meg can often be found parenting a tornado of a toddler, riding horses, and singing show tunes. 

Paula Russel

Paula Russel

SGBV Support Advisor
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Paula has worked in the field of sexual and gender-based violence for over ten years in education, volunteer management, front-line and leadership roles and has a passion for supporting people who have experienced trauma. Paula is a dynamic facilitator and uses her extensive experience as a curriculum developer to create learning environments that are inclusive and engaging. She is a certified mentor for the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services’ First Responder to Sexual Assault and Abuse Training program and serves on the provincial advisory committee for the program. She is passionate about anti-oppressive practice, trauma-informed care and primary prevention through education. When she's not on campus, you can often find her reading, hiking or spending time with her husband and cat.


Souheir Jamil

SGBV Community Resource and Training Coordinator
PhD University de Lyon II ( France)
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Souheir is a specialist in sexual violence, an experienced curriculum developer, and a trainer who delivers impactful psychoeducation programs on sexual violence, trauma recovery, and cultural sensitivity with a post-secondary education background as a Professor at Lebanese University. Souheir is a trilingual psychotherapist with an international practice. Her approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the complex effects of trauma with compassion, cultural humility, and profound respect for each individual's unique experiences and resilience. She also spent 13 years working in the non-profit sector in Calgary, helping newcomers and refugee students and their families overcome settlement challenges. Souheir speaks Arabic, French and English.

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