colourful hexagons on a white background

About the Faith and Spirituality Centre

Find out more about our staff and chaplains, our work on campus, and get answers to any questions you might have.

The Faith & Spiritualty Centre has a diverse network of spiritual and faith-based resources, including 20+ Faith Representatives/Chaplains available for one-on-one appointments, a Peer Support program, bookable multi-faith spaces, and a lending library. We also host events for religious and cultural holidays, and coordinate prayer, meditation, and worship services on campus.
a woman with red hair carries a sign at a protest

Meet our staff

Our staff are welcoming and available to the UCalgary campus community to help improve inter-religious and intercultural competence, religious accommodations and inclusivity and pluralism.

a man wearing a plaid shirt reads from a book

Meet our chaplains

Our chaplains are from many religious and spiritual communities and provide spiritual or religious support, guidance and crisis support, and chances for the campus community to gather, worship, grow and reflect.

two women wearing hijab sit on a couch

Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions about who we are and what we do? Find the answers to some common questions about the Faith and Spirituality Centre and our work, as well as tips on religious accommodations on campus.

Looking for other ways to connect with the Faith and Spirituality Centre?