Resources to Support an Inclusive Campus

Find out how you can contribute to an inclusive campus with these resources. 


Guides to Religious Dietary Considerations




Major Multi-Faith Holidays

Major Multi-Faith Holidays

Academic Accommodations for Religious Observance

Student Accommodation Policy 

How to Handle Aggressive Religious Recruiting

How to Handle Aggressive Religious Recruiting

Resources during Ramadan

Supporting Students Observing Ramadan (2024)

Article: How you can support students observing Ramadan (UToday on March 13, 2024)

Article:  (Under the Arch on March 20, 2023)

Where Can I Smudge on Campus?

  •  - contact the centre for information on use.
  • Vitruvian Space - Firmitas A and B - the space can be used on a drop-in basis or booked. 
  • The Pluralism Room in the Faith and Spirituality Centre (MSC 487) - the space can be used on a drop-in basis or booked.