Abdul-samad Ahmed

Abdul-samad Ahmed

Faculty of Kinesiology, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

3rd Year


Fourteenth cohort
Scholars Academy 

Contact information


“Let me prove my nature by what I do next." 

I have always been driven by a strong curiosity to understand how things work and how they can be improved. After experiencing a personal loss, I focused my curiosity on improving health outcomes. My goal is to become a physician, as I believe it's the best way to make a positive impact on healthcare and beyond.

Currently, I’m pursuing an undergraduate degree in kinesiology to gain a deep understanding of the human body and identify where effective interventions can be made. I actively apply this knowledge as a volunteer with the Children’s Adapted Physical Activity (CAPA) program at Mount Royal University. In this role, I help special needs children achieve their mobility and physical health goals, leveraging what I’ve learned in my studies.

In addition to my work with CAPA, I conduct research with Dr. Hu in the Department of Clinical Neurosciences. This research experience is enhancing my understanding of human function and the interventions that can improve and restore it.

Outside of my academic and volunteer pursuits, I have a range of hobbies that keep my curiosity and hands-on skills sharp. I practice taekwondo, which helps me stay physically fit and teaches me discipline and strategic thinking. I also enjoy working on mechanical keyboards, combining technical precision with creativity. Moreover, I love dismantling gadgets with my screwdriver to understand their inner workings and see how I can improve or repurpose them.

Awards and Publications

Academic Awards & Achievements

  • Alexander Rutherford Scholarship
  • Jason Lang Scholarship
  • Deans List, Faculty of Kinesiology


  • Stepping in Place (SIP) as a Novel Physical Ability Assessment in Neurorehabilitation: A Wearable Device-based Validation Study (unpublished manuscript)