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Amneet Deol

Software Engineering

2nd Year


Twelfth cohort
Scholars Academy 

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Amneet is a second-year student studying software engineering with a minor in biomedical engineering.

From a young age, Amneet had an affinity for STEM and a keen interest for the intersection of business and technology. In high school, she co-founded a coding club to help destigmatize programming, which led her to pursuing software engineering at university.

Amneet's involvement in the university community includes acting as the Professional Development Workshop (PDW) Coordinator and Junior Events Executive for the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) student-run club, where she has recently piloted a new PDW program. She is also involved with the ENOVA biomimicry design team, as a Junior Projects Executive and team member over the past two years, allowing her to develop sustainable and nature-inspired solutions for global issues.

In the future, Amneet hopes to continue working with Artificial Intelligence while advocating for equity-focused approaches to designing new technology.


  • Seymour Schulich Community Service and Entrepreneurial Award
  • President's Admission Scholarship
  • BC Achievement Scholarship
  • HSA Scholarship