Cassidy Thibodeau

Cassidy Thibodeau

Werkland School of Education- Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education

2nd Year


Thirteenth cohort
Scholars Academy 


 "As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way"

I would argue that my parent’s decision to register me in dance classes has ultimately shaped me into the person I am today. Starting at the age of three, my instructors quickly became significant role models in my life; teaching me the importance of values such as compassion, persistence and comradery. Over the years, I found myself gravitating towards similar positions of leadership. From running various school clubs, to becoming the Captain of the Cheerleading Team and member of my High school’s Student Council —I became heavily involved within my school and community. I however found my true sense of belonging inside the classroom. Getting the opportunity to teach dance classes to children between the ages of 3-6 years old, the same classes that first got me into this sport, I realized how much I enjoyed working with children. It was the personal connections that I fostered between my students and I that gave me a sense of fulfillment. Whether that be their smiles after I give them a high five, or seeing their improvement by the end of the semester… this feeling inspired me to pursue a career in education.

Since making the move to Calgary from the east coast, I have quickly involved myself in various academic communities and joined the University’s Cheerleading team. Moving forward, I hope to learn new teaching practices that I may later incorporate in my future classroom, as well as to continue pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.


  • Harrison Trimble High School’s Maroon Heart award Female Recipient (2022)
  • Harrison Trimble High School’s Distinction award for Community Leadership (2022)
  • Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Chancellor’s Scholarship (2022)
  • 2022-2023 Residence Award