
Career Workshops

Career education workshops help students explore, plan and develop their careers, and grow their personal and professional skills. Check the events page on Elevate for current offerings or contact the Career Education team about customized offerings.

For current workshops and events view the Centre for Career and Personal Development Event Calendar on Elevate.

Available workshops

Life Design workshops

Life Design workshops and events give students the tools that they need to imagine and plan for their personal and professional futures. Programming is offered as a series of ongoing workshops and events, It is free of charge and available for students throughout the academic year.

Leadership workshops

Interested in learning more about who you are as a leader, and ways to keep building your leadership toolkit? Be sure to check out the new leadership workshop and leadership speaker series.

What is the CCPD and how can it help you?

The Centre for Career and Personal Development offers personal and professional development services, programs and resources. This workshop provides a general overview of all that is available at the CCPD for students.

Resume, CV’s and cover letters

Learn tips and strategies for creating professional documents that are targeted, compelling and eye catching. Understand how to use AI technology as a tool for writing documents while expressing yourself authentically.

Interview strategies and practice

Learn the steps to prepare and succeed in the interview and speak confidently about skills and accomplishments.

Job search and networking strategies

Discover the tools and techniques to search for work effectively and networking to enhance employability and build professional contacts.

Enhancing digital presence

Optimize social media platforms such as LinkedIn to demonstrate skills, personality and experience to employers.

Career-ready skill development session

Customized sessions that focus on developing and articulating employability skills, soft skills, degree competencies, as well as making a successful transition to the workplace.

Career planning, exploration, and decision making

Understand and apply the career management framework, engage in self-reflection to know and describe yourself better and create a development plan for lifelong career management and success.

Discover strengths

Explore personal strengths, practice sharing them in a team environment and discover how to apply and develop strengths further to achieve personal and professional goals.

Building career resilience

Understand motivators, create a future vision of your career, and learn strategies to develop a growth mindset.

What can I do with my degree?

Identify the skills and experiences related to a program or major and discover job search and networking strategies to connect with professionals related to your field of study and career interest.

Workshops for international students

How to write a Canadian resume and cover letter

Learn how to structure a resume and cover letter, write accomplishment statements, analyze a job description and target applications when applying to jobs in Canada.

Working in Canada: Resumes, interviews and work permits

An overview of the Canadian application process, including documents needed to apply for jobs, interviews and work permits. A regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant will also be present. Presented in collaboration with International Student Services.

*Recommended for all international students planning to work in Canada

Canadian interviews and how to prepare for one

Get the information needed to prepare and succeed in a Canadian interview! Learn about what to do before, during and after the interview.

Canadian workplace culture and your career success in Canada

Understand and adjust to the unwritten rules at work in Canada. How cultural backgrounds influence actions, as well as strategies to integrate into the Canadian workplace.

Connecting with other people in Canada (networking)

Learn what networking is, why it is important, how to use LinkedIn and how to maintain professional relationships.

Culture, identity and navigating career choices

Explore career choices as an international student, share experiences, gain from the experiences of others, foster a discussion, and create support. Presented in collaboration with Student Wellness Services.

How to gain valuable Canadian experience and find a job in Canada

Explore options for gaining Canadian experience and learn about job search engines and unique ways of searching for a job.

What to do after graduation

Learn how to effectively make decisions and career plans for after graduation. Identify what to consider if returning to a home country or staying in Canada (Permanent Residency). Presented in collaboration with International Student Services.


Register for a workshop

Visit the events page in Elevate to register for a Career Workshop today.