Student Life

Students often tell us that they’d like to get involved in non-academic activities or programs on campus, but don’t know how or where to get started. Why not let us help? The tools below are your first step toward finding meaningful ways to spend time outside of classroom.

There are many opportunities and ways for you to get involved on campus. Pursuing activities outside of academics that match with hobbies, interests and ambitions is an important factor when it comes to your campus experience and success.

Unwind Events

Weekly Unwind events are your chance to connect with other students and have fun.  Events typically take place during the lunch hour or after classes, they're often themed, and sometimes even include free food.

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UCalgaryStrong Festival

UCalgaryStrong Festival your chance to unwind and have fun at the end of the term. Enjoy this multi-activity event with inflatable games, live music and delicious snacks! This event is an opportunity to connect, have fun and relax.

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Campus Fair

A fun event where first year students can participate in fair activities, enjoy some delicious treats, and meet with campus services. Partnering with the Dinos, CJSW, and other campus groups, Campus Fair brings the UCalgary community together to help welcome our incoming class each year.

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Orientation & Transition

New Student Orientation and first year resources are designed to support successful transition for all incoming students.  Learn more about resources to help before you arrive on campus and throughout your first year.

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Food Security

UCalgary students can access a variety of supports and resources for food security. Each October, the community can also learn and address food security by participating in Trick-or-Eat and collecting food donations for the SU Campus Food Bank.

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