Contact Us

Our focus is always on the children in our care, for that reason all wait list inquiries are handled through a dedicated email address: waitlist@ucalgary.ca

Due to the high volume of emails, we will try our very best to respond in approximately a one week period. When emailing the centre, please go into your email account setting and attach a 'read receipt' to your message. You will also receive an immediate automatic email response from the wait list email. An email more specific to your questions will be sent in approximately one week. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Child Care

Due to the high number of wait list inquiries, all wait list questions are handled through email only at waitlist@ucalgary.ca


Kindergarten falls under the Early Childhood Services (ECS) umbrella of Alberta Education.

For more information about Kindergarten, please email us at ucccecs@ucalgary.ca

The Kindergarten Teacher or the Resource Teacher are normally the people responding to ECS emails. The Kindergarten Teacher is teaching between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm and then again from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The Resource Teacher is also in the classroom during teaching times to assist children with diverse needs. The West Campus Program Coordinator and administration team will respond to kindergarten enrollment inquiries.

The Kindergarten office is closed during spring break, Christmas break and during July and August each year.