Registration Information

We will be registering for the 2024-2025 Kindergarten year in January 2024!

To be eligible for 2024-2025, your child must turn 5 years old by December 31st, 2024.

Registration for kindergarten starts in December each year for the following September. There is a $95.00 Registration Fee and a $270.00 Program Fee (this includes costs for all kindergarten field trips and kindergarten extra-curricular activities including the "Be Fit for Life" Physical Literacy Program facilitated by the U of C Kinesiology Department- that enhance the student's learning). The $95 Kindergarten Registration Fee and the $270.00 Program Fee are both non-refundable. Our kindergarten program gives priority to our current clientele who are children of full-time Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà students or full-time staff/faculty. There may be a Music Program with an additional cost - TBA... 

If we do not fill our kindergarten spots with our current clientele, then we go to our wait list. If we still do not fill from the age-appropriate children on our wait list, then kindergarten is the only part of the Society's mandate where we will then offer spots to community members. Children who are accepted for enrollment into kindergarten must turn 5 years old by December 31st of that year to be eligible for funding and receive an Alberta Education student identification number. 

If the UCCC Society Private ECS Program does not reach capacity with our current clientele, the Administrators will go to eligible age children on the UCCC wait list and then to the kindergarten wait list. 

If the ECS Program does not reach capacity with current UCCC wait list and the UCCC kindergarten wait list, then UCCC Kindergarten will advertise to the U of C community and then the Administrators will open up registration to the general community.