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Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

At the UCCC Society we believe that play is imperative during the early years of life. The need to imagine,create, explore and discover is at the core of every child and teaches them to relate to others and the worldaround them. Our goal is to provide an exemplary inclusive program that supports and encourages theunique potential within each child. We do this by promoting the natural process of play in an enriched settingthat provides optimal conditions for each child to grow, develop and learn at his or her individual pace.


Our mandate is to provide optimum childcare services for the children of students, faculty, and staff of theɫ. As outlined in the Centre’s bylaws in Article II the Purpose and Objectives of the UCCC Society are as follows:

2.1 The purpose of the society is to pursue excellence in achieving the objective
2.2 To provide and promote child care services for the ɫ community whichincludesthe children of the students, and faculty/staff of the ɫ. Siblings ofchildren who are attending the UCCC Society will always take priority ahead of students/ staff/faculty of the university.

* Please note- if you withdraw your child from the University Child Care Centre, due to a maternity leave or sabbatical, your child(ren) can be placed on the sibling wait list for one year. Youwill have “sibling” priority to a spot in the centre within this one year time frame, if a spot is available for you. If a spot is NOT available within this year, your application will be removedfrom the sibling list and placed back on the wait list according to your original application date.If you withdraw your child from the University Child Care Centre and would like to go back onthe wait list, your application will be filed according to your original application date.

In accordance with the ɫ Registrar’s Office policy, medical residents are considered in the “student”category and post-doctoral fellows in the “faculty/staff” category.