Stoney Nation (ii’ taa’poh’to’p Indigenous UCalgary)

Our Journey

ii' taa'poh'to'p guides UCalgary on its path of transformation and communicates its commitment and responsibility for truth and reconciliation.

Strategy Foundations

In a good way

In a good way is a concept used by many Indigenous peoples to recognize work that is conducted in authentic and meaningful ways, with intention and sincerity, through reciprocal and respectful relationships. It is a demonstration of working with clear purpose and with high levels of integrity, moral strength and communal spirit. 

The guiding principle for the Indigenous Strategy starts with the commitment to work together with Indigenous communities in a good way.

path to reconciliation (ii’ taa’poh’to’p Indigenous UCalgary)

The Path to Reconciliation

Knowledge and understanding of Indigenous perspectives, world views, histories, cultures and belief systems is essential to realizing how to move towards authentic reconciliation.

community consultation (ii’ taa’poh’to’p Indigenous UCalgary)

Community Consultation

In 2016, we set out to build the strategy by gathering stories and perspectives from Traditional Knowledge Keepers, cultural advisors, agencies and communities.

ii’ taa’poh’to’p Indigenous Strategy UCalgary

The Strategy Document

Read the 52-page strategy document, which guides our journey forward in the coming years. Released in November 2017.