
Ash Kolstad

Ash Kolstad

Ash is currently completing an MSc degree in Kinesiology at the ɫ. Ash is also a concussion survivor who suffers adverse effects from playing youth ice hockey. His concussion experiences led him to advocate for increased awareness for concussions and as a student researcher interested in the different aspects of concussion prevention, assessment, and management. Ash has provided his insight as a concussion patient to research projects including theSafe-To-Play5-year longitudinal study for concussion prevention, theHOIFproject for implementing clinical pathways in emergency departments, and the SHRed concussions study funded by the National Football League’s Scientific Advisory Board. Ash has also been a patient advocate and panelist involved in various ICRP public events including “Concussion: facts, fiction, and the future”.

Ash's Masters degree will be part of the SHRed concussions study by measuring if proper helmet fit and mouthguard use in high school collision sports is protective against concussion occurrence. This work may be paramount for further informing players, coaches, parents, and sport organizations on proper use of helmets and mouthguards, and whether proper equipment use is an effective prevention method for concussion in sport.

Ash is a member of theICRP trainee committee.

Supervisors:Carolyn Emery, Brent Hagel

Laboratory:Sports Injury Research Prevention Centre

