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Summary of Changes
Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2009-2010 Faculty of Communication and Culture 3. Faculty Regulations 3.1 Admissions
3.1 Admissions

Applicants should refer to A.2 "Admission Requirements" in the Undergraduate Admissions section of this Calendar for regulations regarding University admission requirements.

Application and Documentation Deadlines for Admission

Major Programs

Minor Program - Architectural Studies

Refer to the Applications for Admission Schedule of this Calendar for application and documentation deadlines.

Programs in the Faculty of Communication and Culture

Students wishing to enrol in the Faculty of Communication and Culture must meet the following admission requirements:

1. Students must present the following:

(a) Satisfactory matriculation or Adult Student standing as outlined in the Undergraduate Admissions section of this Calendar

(b) English Language Arts 30-1

(c) One of:

(i) Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 31 or Applied Mathematics 30

(ii) or a language other than English at the 30 or 31 level

(iii) or a 30 level Science course.

2. Transfer students seeking admission should refer to A.2 "Admission Requirements" in the Undergraduate Admissions section of this Calendar.

3. Admission to the quota Programs - Communications Studies (Bachelor of Arts in Communications Studies and Bachelor of Communications Studies) and Law and Society - will be granted in the Fall Term only, and in accordance with academic merit. Grade point average over the most recent course work to a maximum of five full-course equivalents (Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions) will normally constitute the standard. All grades within a term will be included except where the number of courses taken within a term exceeds that required to fulfill (to a maximum of) five full-course equivalents, in which case the highest grades will be used. Spring and Summer Term courses taken after May 1 will not count towards determining admissibility. Applicants to the Bachelor of Communications Studies or Bachelor of Film Studies program who apply on the basis of a diploma from the SAIT Polytechnic will have their grade point average calculated on their overall diploma grades.

Honours Programs in Communication and Culture

Students in BA and BSc Major programs are eligible to apply to the Honours program in the Spring preceding their final year of study. Admission to the Honours program requires a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.30 in the last 10 full-course equivalents (Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions). Students should note that if the tenth course is one of a number of courses within a session, the course with the highest grade in that session will be included in the calculation.

It is recommended that students wishing to enrol in the Honours program obtain guidelines and an application form from the Administrative Assistant in the Communication and Culture Faculty office by March 1. Students are also advised to secure a thesis supervisor by May 15. The application form, bearing the signature of the thesis supervisor, and a preliminary thesis proposal must be submitted to the Honours Program Co-ordinator no later than June 1 preceding the final year of study. Entry to the Honours program and General Studies 590 require the approval of the Honours Program Co-ordinator. Students must change their program on-line to ensure that their student record reflects their intent to complete an Honours program.

In addition to the other requirements of their degree program, students in the Honours program will take General Studies 590 under the supervision of a faculty member approved by the Honours Program Co-ordinator. This course will culminate in the preparation of an Honours thesis which will be examined by a Faculty committee.

Co-operative Education students who are considering Honours should consult with the Career Services office as soon as they are accepted into the Co-operative Education program to ensure that they are placed in a course sequence that will accommodate the Honours thesis in their last year.

Graduation Requirements

Degrees with Honours are awarded in two classes: Honours and First Class Honours. Degrees with Honours are awarded to students who have successfully completed an approved program equivalent to 20 full-course equivalents with a grade point average of at least 3.30 over the last 15 full-course equivalents and a satisfactory grade (i.e., "C" or higher) in General Studies 590 (Thesis: Directed Research). First Class Honours is awarded to students who have successfully completed an approved program equivalent to 20 full-course equivalents with a grade point average of at least 3.60 over the last 15 full-course equivalents and a grade of "A-" or higher in General Studies 590.

Students should note that if the 15th course is one of a number of courses within a session, the highest grade in that session will be included in the calculation. The grade for General Studies 590 is included in the 15 full-course equivalents grade point average calculation.

Students who do not meet the requirements for an Honours degree will normally be considered for a standard degree.

Graduation Guarantee

The Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà is committed to providing students with rich undergraduate educational experiences that can be completed in four years. Beginning in the Fall of 2008, for first year students studying in the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Humanities, Science or Social Sciences, the University introduced a four year graduation guarantee. Participation in this program requires a shared commitment from the University and the Student ensuring timely progression towards degree completion. To find out more on this program visit . If you have additional questions on this please call the Undergraduate Programs Office, 403.220.5881.

Degrees "With Distinction"

The notation "With Distinction" will be inscribed on the permanent record and graduation parchment of any student achieving a grade point average of 3.60 over the final 15 full-course equivalents of a 20 full-course equivalent degree program, or the final 10 full-course equivalents of a 15 full-course equivalent degree program. A student who has taken part of his/her work at another university or who has transferred into the Faculty may be granted a degree "With Distinction" at the discretion of the Faculty.

Second Baccalaureate Degrees

Students who have received one or more approved undergraduate degrees (BA, BSc, BEd, etc.) may apply for admission to a second baccalaureate degree program. The second degree may be a Major or Honours degree, and where available may include a Co-operative Education program. The requirements for a second degree are the same as those outlined in 4. Program Details except for the following:

1. Up to 10 full-course equivalents counted towards any previous degrees may be used towards requirements in the second degree. These may not include more than half of the core requirements of the new program.

2. Courses not used toward previous degrees (as determined by the institution awarding that degree) may be used to reduce the number required in the second degree where applicable.

3. Of all courses used toward the second degree, at least 10 full-course equivalents must be taken at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ.

4. Students will not normally be admitted to a second degree program in any field in which they already possess a degree.

Formal application for admission to a second degree program must be made to the Admissions Office. Upon admission to the program, students are advised to contact the Undergraduate Programs Office (UPO) to discuss their academic plans and obtain general advice regarding the requirements of the second degree.

The second degree may be awarded "With Distinction" at the discretion of the Faculty if a grade point average of at least 3.60 is achieved over the courses completed in the second degree.

Double Major

Students desiring a degree with a double Major must complete all requirements of both Major Fields. Permission to undertake a double Major must be obtained from the Assistant Dean (Student Affairs). Students are advised that course work in addition to the normal 20 full-course equivalents will usually be required.

Combined Degree Program

  • For the prescribed Bachelor of Arts (Canadian Studies)/ Bachelor of Education (Master of Teaching) program, see 4.1 Canadian Studies of this faculty section.
  • All Communication and Culture Major programs may be combined with degree programs from Humanities, Social Sciences or some other faculties. Students must complete a minimum of twenty-five full-course equivalents and meet the admission and graduation requirements of both programs.
  • The maximum number of transfer courses permitted in combined degrees is ten full-course equivalents. A maximum of four full-course equivalents of transfer credit may be used for each major's requirements.
  • The number of junior courses taken must not exceed 9 full-course equivalents in total. (Note: the maximum number of junior courses taken in a Combined Degree Program with the Faculty of Fine Arts must not exceed 10 full-course equivalents.
  • Students should consult with the Assistant/Associate Deans (Student Affairs) of the Faculties offering the programs they are considering.

Undecided Students

Students may remain "undecided" only until they complete 10 full-course equivalents. After that time, students must be admitted to a degree program in order to continue in the Faculty of Communication and Culture.

Effective Writing Requirement

All students must complete the Effective Writing Requirement by May 1 of their first year of registration at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ. Those who do not do so will have their registration for the following Fall Term courses and all subsequent courses withheld until they meet the requirement. Students are encouraged to meet this requirement in their first term. Please see the Academic Regulations section of the Calendar under C. Competence Tests for details.