Review of linear algebra and introduction to vector calculus. Physical space, bodies, configurations, motions and displacement fields. Velocity and the substantial derivative, acceleration. Deformation, strain and their rates. Master balance equation, balance of mass, balance of linear momentum, balance of angular momentum, balance of mechanical power. Rigid body mechanics as a particular case: velocity distribution, linear momentum, angular momentum, tensor of inertia. Constitutive equations: constitutive principles, Stokesian fluids, elastic solids. Introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics for discrete and continuum systems. Course Hours:3 units; (3-1.5T-3/2) Prerequisite(s):Engineering 202 and Mathematics 211; and Mathematics 265 or 275. Antirequisite(s):Credit for Physics Engineering 381 and Biomedical Engineering 381 will not be allowed.
Applications of advanced mathematics to problems of physics and engineering; introduction to abstract vector spaces and inner product spaces in linear algebra; eigenvalues and eigenvectors and their physical interpretation; solutions for partial differential equations and boundary value problems; Sturm-Liouville theory; orthogonal polynomials; generalized Fourier Series; special functions. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Mathematics 211 and 275.
A continuation of Engineering Physics 401, with a focus on research. A team-based design and research project carried out under the supervision of one or more faculty members. The project can include designing experimental apparatus, developing technical devices, performing laboratory measurements, simulating systems or developing software, and building theoretical and physical models. Students will be required to submit a written report and deliver an oral presentation. Course Hours:3 units; (0-4) Prerequisite(s):Engineering Physics 401.