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4.1 Biological Sciences
4.2 Chemistry
4.3 Computer Science
4.4 Earth, Energy, and Environment
4.5 Mathematics and Statistics
4.6 Non-Departmental Programs: Data Science, Environmental Science, Nanoscience, Natural Sciences, Neuroscience
4.6.1 Data Science
4.6.2 Environmental Science
4.6.3 Nanoscience
4.6.4 Natural Sciences Programs in Natural Sciences Concurrent Degree in Natural Sciences and BEd
4.6.5 Neuroscience
4.7 Physics and Astronomy
4.8 Science Internship Program
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Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2023-2024 Faculty of Science 4. Program Details 4.6 Non-Departmental Programs: Data Science, Environmental Science, Nanoscience, Natural Sciences, Neuroscience 4.6.4 Natural Sciences Programs in Natural Sciences Programs in Natural Sciences

See also Section 3 (Faculty Regulations), Subsection 3.2 (Admission).

Application to Concentrations and Registration Limitations

The program requires students to choose two concentrations1, denoted Concentration One (C1) and Concentration Two (C2) respectively, from the following list: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Energy Science, Geoscience, Mathematics or Physics. Entry into a given concentration may be subject to enrolment limitations. (See Enrolment Limitations.)

Students may apply to their concentrations with their initial application to the University. However, students may also initially apply to Natural Sciences with no concentrations in the event that they are uncertain which areas they wish to specialize in or they do not meet the competitive average of their desired concentration(s). Students will find that it is in their best interest to declare their concentrations at the earliest possible opportunity.

Students should be aware they will be blocked from taking more than 36 units in a major field to which they have not been admitted.

1It is not possible for students in the Natural Sciences program to choose a minor in either area of their concentrations. However, students may complete a minor outside of their areas of concentration. Furthermore, Natural Sciences students may not select a second major or combined degree in areas of their two concentrations.

Courses Constituting the Major Field of Natural Sciences

The major field of an individual's Natural Sciences program is defined as:

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section 3 (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 3.4A (Program Requirements - Major Degree Programs) and 3.5B (Introductory Courses for Science Degree Programs).

1. Major Field Courses (Concentrations One and Two)

The program must contain two concentrations as described under Application to Concentrations.

The courses in the two concentrations must be selected as follows:

Students require a minimum of 30 units in their C1. Students may not exceed 36 units in their C1. Within those courses completed for their C1, students must complete a minimum of 3 units at the 400 level or higher.

Students require a minimum of 18 units in their C2. Students may not exceed 30 units in their C2.

The combination of units in C1 plus C2 may not exceed 60 units.

2. Natural Science Specific Courses

3 units - Science 301

3 units - Science 403

3 units - Science 501 or Science 529 (for Energy Science concentrators)

3. Other Courses outside the Major Field

18 units - Non-science options as follows, excluding courses in Table I; Science 311 may be counted among these courses):

Chosen from Faculties other than the Faculty of Science. Of these 18 units, students must take at least 6 units from the Faculty of Arts.

4. Science Breadth

The program must include the following:

1Apply these courses to either (1) Major Field Courses or (3) Other Courses outside the Major Field as appropriate.

Required Courses - Honours Program

See also Section 3 (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 3.4C (Program Requirements - Honours Degree Programs) and 3.5B (Introductory Courses for Science Degree Programs).

1. Major Field Courses (Concentrations One and Two)

The program must contain two concentrations as described under Application to Concentrations.

The courses in the two concentrations must be selected as follows:

Students require a minimum of 30 units in their C1. Students may not exceed 36 units in their C1. Within those courses completed for their C1, students must complete a minimum of 6 units at the 400 level or higher.

Students require a minimum of 18 units in their C2. Students may not exceed 30 units in their C2.

The combination of units in C1 plus C2 may not exceed 60 units.

2. Natural Science Specific Courses

3 units - Science 301

3 units - Science 403

3 units - Science 501 or 529 (for Energy Science concentrators)

6 units - Science 502

3. Other Courses outside the Major Field

18 units - Non-science options as follows, excluding courses in Table I; Science 311 may be counted among these courses):

Chosen from Faculties other than the Faculty of Science. Of these 18 units, students must take at least 6 units from the Faculty of Arts.

4. Science Breadth

The program must include the following:

1Apply these courses to either (1) Major Field Courses or (3) Other Courses outside the Major Field as appropriate.

Required Courses - Concentration One

Biology Concentration. The minimum requirements for a C1 in Biology are as follows:

6 units - Biology 241 and 243

9 units - Biology 311, 331, 371

3 units - Biochemistry 393 or Biology 313

9 units - Courses from the Field of Biological Sciences at the 300 level or higher

3 units - Courses from the Field of Biological Sciences at the 400 level or higher

Note: Natural Sciences students are not permitted to take more than 6 units from courses numbered 507 offered by the Department of Biological Sciences.

Chemistry Concentration. The minimum requirements for a C1 in Chemistry are as follows:

6 units - Chemistry 201 or 211; and 203 or 213

12 units - Chemistry 311, 431, 351; and 371 or 373

9 units - Courses from the Field of Chemistry at the 300 level or higher

3 units - Courses from the Field of Chemistry at the 400 level or higher

Computer Science Concentration1. The minimum requirements for a C1 in Computer Science are as follows:

6 units - One of the following three sets of courses:

3 units – Computer Science 251

3 units - Computer Science 319 or 331

15 units - Courses in the Field of Computer Science

3 units - Courses in the Field of Computer Science at the 400 level or higher

1Students interested in completing a C1 in Computer Science should complete Philosophy 279 in their first year.

Energy Science Concentration. The minimum requirements for a C1 in Energy Science are as follows:

3 units - Chemistry 203 or 213

3 units - Physics 211 or 221 or 227

3 units - Physics 223 or 355

3 units - Energy and Environment, Engineering 355 or Science 317

3 units - Chemistry 321 or 425

15 units - Chosen from energy science content: Science 421, 423, 427, 431, 433, Physics 323 or 397

Note: Energy Science students completing a Concentration Two in Physics will have the Physics courses count toward both concentrations. No Physics courses beyond required Physics courses can count toward both Energy Science and a Physics concentration. Energy Science students completing a Concentration Two in Chemistry will have Chemistry 203 count toward both concentrations.

Geoscience Concentration. The minimum requirements for a C1 in Geoscience are as follows:

15 units - Geology 201, 202, 343, 381, and Geophysics 351 or 355

12 units - Courses in the Fields of Geology and/or Geophysics at the 300 or 400 levels1

3 units - Courses in the Fields of Geology and/or Geophysics at the 400 level or higher1

Mathematics Concentration. The minimum requirements for a C1 in Mathematics are as follows:

3 units - Mathematics 211 or 213

3 units - Mathematics 249 or 265 or 275

3 units - Mathematics 267 or 277

6 units - Mathematics 311 or 313; and Statistics 321

3 units - Mathematics 367 or 376

9 units - Courses in the Field of Mathematics

3 units - Courses in the Field of Mathematics at the 400 level or higher

Physics Concentration. The minimum requirements for a C1 in Physics are as follows:

3 units - Either Physics 211 or 221 or 227

3 units - Physics 229

6 units - Either Physics 223 and 323; or 355 and 397

15 units - Courses in the Field of Physics or the Field of Astrophysics at the 300 level or higher

3 units - Courses in the Field of Physics or the Field of Astrophysics at the 400 level or higher

Required Courses - Concentration Two

Biology Concentration. The minimum requirements for a C2 in Biology are as follows:

A minimum of 18 units to a maximum of 30 units selected from the major Field of Biological Sciences.

Chemistry Concentration. The minimum requirements for a C2 in Chemistry are as follows:

A minimum of 18 units to a maximum of 30 units selected from the major Field of Chemistry.

Computer Science Concentration. The minimum requirements for a C2 in Computer Science are as follows:

A minimum of 18 units to a maximum of 30 units selected from the major Field of Computer Science.

Energy Science Concentration. A Concentration Two in Energy Science is not permitted.

Geoscience Concentration. The minimum requirements for a C2 in Geoscience are as follows:

A minimum of 18 units to a maximum of 30 units selected from the major Field of Geology and/or Geophysics.

Mathematics Concentration. The minimum requirements for a C2 in Mathematics are as follows:

A minimum of 18 units to a maximum of 30 units selected from the major Field of Mathematics.

Physics Concentration. The minimum requirements for a C2 in Physics are as follows:

A minimum of 18 units to a maximum of 30 units selected from the major Field of Physics and/or Astrophysics.

Recommended Program Sequences

There are for these programs. These sequences describe both the recommended order in which courses should be taken and the recommended course(s) in instances where multiple courses may fulfill a degree requirement. All possible courses that may fulfill degree requirements are found in the Required Courses listed above.

Taking courses in the order of the will ensure students can complete their programs in a timely fashion. The time to complete a program may be lengthened if students choose to complete their requirements in an alternate order.