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Graduate Studies Calendar 2013-2014 Program Descriptions Chemistry CHEM
Chemistry - CHEM
Contact Information

Location: Science A Building, Room 229
Faculty number: 403.220.6252
Fax: 403.284.1372
Email address: gradinfo@chem.ucalgary.ca
Web page URL:

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Master of Science (MSc), thesis-based

PhD and MSc programs are available for full-time study only.

For a list of supported research areas, please see section 15.

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to Faculties of Graduate Studies and Science admission requirements, the Department requires:

Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy

a) Two reference letters with reference forms. Letters and forms must bear the referee's signature and the letter must be printed on official letterhead from the referee's institution and sent in a sealed envelope or from an institutional email account. The reference form is available from .

An appropriate letter of recommendation is one written by an individual who can provide an assessment of the applicant's background and capabilities with respect to our department. An applicant currently registered in a graduate degree program, or who has recently completed a graduate degree program, must submit one letter of reference from his/her program supervisor.

b) For applicants required to prove proficiency in English, a TOEFL score of 580 (written test), 92 (Internet-based test), an IELTS score of 7.5, a MELAB score of 83, or a PTE score of 64.

Master of Science

For applicants with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree:

a) A four-year degree or its equivalent.

b) An admission grade point average of 3.00 or better on a four-point scale.

Doctor of Philosophy

For applicants with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree:

a) A four-year Honours degree or its equivalent.

b) An admission grade point average of 3.70 or better on a four-point scale.

For applicants with a Master of Science (MSc) degree:

a) A Master of Science degree recognized by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

b) An admission grade point average of 3.30 or better on a four-point scale.

3. Application Deadline

Deadlines for submission of complete applications for students with international transcripts:

March 1 for September admission
July 1 for January admission
November 1 for May admission

Deadlines for submission of complete applications for students with Canadian transcripts:

July 1 for September admission
November 1 for January admission
March 1 for May admission

4. Advanced Credit

Advanced credit for graduate courses taken as an unclassified student, or qualifying student may be given for courses in which the student obtains a grade of “B” or higher.

A reduction in course requirements may be given for students who completed graduate courses at other institutions.  This will be determined on program entry and after consultation with the research supervisor and the graduate office.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to Faculties of Graduate Studies and Science requirements, the Department requires:

Master of Science

a) Three half-course equivalents (500-level or above). Normally a minimum of two half courses will be Chemistry courses.

Doctor of Philosophy

a) Four half-course equivalents (500-level or above) for students entering with a four-year Honours BSc degree or equivalent. Normally, a minimum of three half courses will be Chemistry courses.

b) A minimum of one and a maximum of four half courses for students entering with an MSc degree or equivalent. The number of half courses will be determined by consultation between the student, the supervisor, and the Graduate Director.

Students who transfer to the doctoral program will be given credit for courses taken in the MSc program.

6. Additional Requirements

Each student must participate in the Department's Chemistry 601 and 603 Research Seminars in each year he/she is registered in a graduate program.

A Master of Science student planning to apply for a transfer to a doctoral program must notify his/her supervisory committee at least one month before the committee meeting which takes place at the end of the student's first year in program.

7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

At least one-half of a graduate student’s course work must be at the 600 level or higher and only where appropriate to a student’s program will graduate credit be given for courses numbered 500-599, which are considered undergraduate courses. In addition to course prerequisites, consent of the department is required.

8. Time Limit

Expected completion time is two years for the Master of Science degree and four for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Maximum completion time is four years for the Master of Science degree and six years for the doctoral program.

9. Supervisory Assignments

Students are assigned an interim advisor (currently the Graduate Director) upon first registration in a program and must choose a permanent supervisor before the fifth month in program. Students in both the MSc and PhD programs must also choose two additional faculty members to serve as supervisory committee members.

10. Required Examinations

Doctoral students are required to complete written and oral candidacy examinations. Further details may be obtained from the Department’s Handbook of Graduate Studies available at: .

The oral examination component will include questions on the research proposal. Final thesis oral examinations are open.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

Students will submit a draft research proposal two to four months before the oral candidacy examination. Within one week of receiving the proposal, the supervisory committee and one additional member of the Department will meet with the student to decide the sub-discipline on which the student will be examined during the candidacy exam. The written component will consist of the finalized version of the research proposal, which is to be submitted 30 days before the oral examination. The proposal is limited to 25 pages (10 on background, 10 on proposed work, and 5 on original extensions of the work). Feedback on the proposal will be provided to the student prior to the oral examination; however, the assessment of the candidate’s overall performance will be determined by the oral examination only.

12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is normally available to all qualified students in the form of Teaching Assistantships and Trust funded Assistantships. Assistantship funding is not normally available beyond twenty-eight months in a Master’s program and fifty-two months in a doctoral program.

For further information on awards, see the Awards and Financial Assistance section of this calendar.

14. Other Information


15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

Supported areas of research: Analytical, Applied, Bio-Organic, Bio-Physical, Electrochemistry, Environmental, Inorganic, Materials, Organic, Organometallic, Physical, Polymer, and Theoretical Chemistry.

These areas do not constitute formal divisions, and the thesis research may cut across the traditional lines.

The faculty members in the Department and their specific research interests can be found at .