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Graduate Studies Calendar 2013-2014 Program Descriptions Public Policy PPOL
Public Policy - PPOL
Contact Information

Location: School of Public Policy
Downtown Campus
906 8th Avenue SW
5th Floor
Faculty number: 403.210.3802
Fax: 403.210.6939
Email address: mpp@ucalgary.ca
Web page URL:

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Master of Public Policy (MPP), course-based

The MPP is a 12-month program offered for full-time study with limited seats for part-time study (Director approval required).

Applicants interested in a doctoral degree in Public Policy on a special case basis should review the program's website to determine any additional requirements or restrictions, and then, if appropriate, contact the graduate program representative. Information on the Faculty of Graduate Studies Special Case Policy can be found at .

2. Admission Requirements

Master of Public Policy

In addition to the Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the School requires:

a) A minimum 3.30 grade point average (on the four-point scale) in the last two years of program or over the last ten full-course equivalents.

b) A current resume.

c) A personal statement outlining the applicant’s career goals and how the applied-for program would help achieve those goals.

d) For students required to prove proficiency in English, a minimum TOEFL score of 600 (written test), 250 (computer-based test) or 100 (Internet-based test) or a score of 7.0 on the IELTS.

3. Application Deadline

Deadline for the submission of completed applications is March 1 for Canadians and Permanent Residents of Canada and February 1 for International Students.

4. Advanced Credit

The applicant must make advanced credit requests as part of the admission process. Credit will not normally be given for course work taken as part of another completed degree/diploma. If graduate-level courses are taken as post-BA courses and not used as credit towards another degree, the School may allow the student to claim up to two half courses at our graduate level towards the MPP requirements should the student be admitted into the MPP program.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to the Faculty requirements, the School requires that all students complete the following:

Master of Public Policy

Please note: All PPOL courses are restricted to Master of Public Policy students. Students outside of the Master of Public Policy program must obtain permission to register in courses through the School of Public Policy. Core courses are held evenings throughout the academic year. Some exceptions may apply.

a) Two preparatory/foundation courses (Public Policy 601 and 603) during the last two weeks of August and during Fall Block Week prior to the start of the Fall Term. Satisfactory performance in these courses is required for continuation in the MPP program. Exemptions will normally be given for these two preparatory/foundation courses to those who have completed courses with a grade of "B" or better in economics, mathematics, and statistics offered by a recognized undergraduate program within the past five years.

b) An effective writing and research course (Public Policy 613) during the January Block Week.

c) The following eight core courses:

Public Policy 605: Markets and Public Policy
Public Policy 607: Politics and Collective Choice
Public Policy 609: Decision Analysis
Public Policy 615: Public Finances
Public Policy 617: Regulation and the Law
Public Policy 619: Governance, Institutions and Public Policy
Public Policy 621: Communicating Policy
Public Policy 623: Capstone Project

d) Two elective courses:

The elective courses must be selected from graduate-level courses offered at the ɫ. In selecting electives students need to be aware that they must satisfy the prerequisites for those courses. The two elective courses should be related in such a way that they form a concentration in an area of public policy. See “Approved Graduate Elective Courses” below for suggested electives. The choice of elective courses must in all cases be approved by the Academic Director.

Public Policy 611. Independent Study. Various sections of this independent study course covering different topic areas are typically offered. These are reserved for Master of Public Policy students. School of Public Policy permission required for all other students. Please refer to the online course listings for details on topics covered each term.


The School of Public Policy does not allow copyediting on students' work.

6. Additional Requirements

The School hosts a variety of Community Outreach events year-round that attract global policy experts and practitioners. As a feature of the MPP program, The School also puts on a Friday Speaker Series specifically for students in the program. These talks feature prominent policy figures in an interactive environment.

The School’s event series represents a tremendous opportunity for students to network with policy experts from business and government. For this reason, students are expected to attend as many events as possible throughout the academic year.

7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

The School does not give graduate credit for courses taken below the 600-level, except in special cases.

8. Time Limit

Maximum completion time for the MPP is four years.

9. Supervisory Assignments

All MPP students in the program will be guided by faculty holding appointments to the School.

10. Required Examinations

No additional examinations outside of the courses are required.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

No additional research requirements outside of the courses are required.

12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

Students admitted to the program will automatically be considered for financial awards from the School of up to $10,000 per student. Other financial assistance may be available to qualified students. For information on awards, see the website for the School and the Awards and Financial Assistance section of this Calendar.

14. Other Information


15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

Current research interests in the School can be found at: .

Samples of Graduate Elective Courses for the MPP

Note: not all elective courses may be available in all years and availability may depend on student’s undergraduate program. Other elective courses not listed here may be considered. In all cases the choice of elective courses must be approved by the Academic Director.

Courses offered by the Department of Communication and Culture

Communications Studies 605: Organizational Communication
Communications Studies 619: Communication and Cultural Industries
Communications Studies 623: Social Contexts of Technology
Communications Studies 627: Media and Politics
Communications Studies 641: Intercultural and International Communication

Courses offered by the Department of Economics

Economics 619: Economics of International Commercial Policy
Economics 621: International Trade
Economics 625: The Economics of the Petroleum Industry
Economics 627: Energy in the Production Sector of the Economy
Economics 635: Regulatory Economics
Economics 653: Public Revenue Analysis
Economics 655: Cost/Benefit Analysis
Economics 667: Seminar in Industrial Organization
Economics 675: Advanced Topics in Natural Resource Economics
Economics 677: Seminar in Economics of the Environment
Economics 679: Health Economics I
Economics 681: Health Economics II

Courses offered by the Department of Political Science

Political Science 617: Advanced Political Theory
Political Science 619: War and Interpretation
Political Science 631: Parties Elections and Representation
Political Science 641: Selected Topics in Public Law
Political Science 651: Policy Studies
Political Science 653: Gender and Public Policy
Political Science 683: Advanced Studies in Foreign Policy
Political Science 685: Strategic Studies
Political Science 689: Unconventional Warfare

Courses offered by the Department of Sociology

Sociology 603: Seminar in Sociology of Health and Illness
Sociology 653: Seminar on Urban Sociology
Sociology 665: Seminar on Social Stratification and Inequality
Sociology 667: Seminar on Ethnic Relations
Sociology 671: Seminar on the Sociology of Families
Sociology 677: Seminar in Sociology of Gender Relations

Courses offered by the Faculty of Social Work

Social Work 632: Social Policy and Social Justice
Social Work 665: Influencing Policy Development
Social Work 679: Special Topics Seminar I (Interested students should contact the Faculty of Social Work for a list of topics to be examined)

Courses offered by the Faculty of Law

Law 577: Tax Policy
Law 624: Environmental Law and Ethics
Law 630: International Petroleum Transactions
Law 648: Securities Law

Courses offered by Haskayne School of Business

Human Resources and Organizational Dynamics 601: Managing Human Resources
Human Resources and Organizational Dynamics 691: Project Team Building and Interpersonal Skills
Human Resources and Organizational Dynamics 721: Advanced Leadership and Technical Skills
Human Resources and Organizational Dynamics 745: Cross Cultural Leadership and Human Resources Management
Strategy and Global Management 701: Strategic Management

Courses offered by Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences

Community Health Sciences 661: Health Economics I