Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà : Kinesiology - KNES


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About the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
Graduate Studies Calendar 2013-2014 Program Descriptions Kinesiology KNES
Kinesiology - KNES
Contact Information

Location: Kinesiology B, Room 146
Faculty number: 403.220.5183
Fax: 403.220.0105
Email address: knesgrad@ucalgary.ca
Web page URL:

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Master of Science (MSc), thesis-based

Specializations (offered only to PhD, MSc students):

  • Biomechanics
  • Exercise & Health Physiology
  • Health & Exercise Psychology
  • Multi-Media Applications in Learning
  • Neuro-Motor Psychology & Motor Learning
  • Nutrition, Metabolism & Genetics
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Sport History
  • Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Sport Medicine

Master of Kinesiology

The Master of Kinesiology degree program is currently not accepting any applications for 2013-2014.

The Master of Kinesiology (MKin) is a full-time course-based program specializing in Applied Exercise Physiology.

Students are normally registered as full-time students however in very exceptional circumstances, registration as part-time students may be recommended by the Faculty of Kinesiology, Associate Dean (Graduate) for subsequent approval by the Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies or designate.

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the Faculty of Kinesiology requires the following:

Doctor of Philosophy

a) Consent for supervision from an approved Faculty Member in Kinesiology.

b) An appropriate academic background for the area of specialization.

c) A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.20 or higher on a four-point scale over the last 10 full-course equivalents and/or last two years of study.

d) For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English, a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (written), or 92 (Internet-based), or an IELTs score of 7.5, or a MELAB score of 82.

e) Two reference letters.

f) Written confirmation of external funding in accordance with policies of the Faculty of Kinesiology Graduate Program.

g) A student may request a transfer from the Master of Science degree program to the Doctoral degree program, upon the recommendation of the supervisory committee and subsequent approval of the Associate Dean (Graduate) and Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Master of Science

a) Consent for supervision from an approved Faculty Member in Kinesiology.

b) An appropriate academic background for the area of specialization.

c) A minimum GPA of 3.20 or higher on a four-point scale over the last 10 full-course equivalents and/or last two years of study.

d) For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English, a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (written) or 92 (Internet-based), or an IELTs score of 7.5, or a MELAB score of 82.

e) Two reference letters.

Master of Kinesiology

The following are the minimum requirements for applying to the program. Please note, normally applicants with higher GPAs are selected for admission to the program.

a) A minimum grade of "B" or 3.00 in each of the following undergraduate prerequisite courses or equivalents: Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics, Sport Psychology and Statistics.

b) A minimum admission GPA of 3.00 or higher on a four-point scale over the last 10 full-course equivalents and/or two years of study in Kinesiology or an appropriate academic background for the area of specialization.

c) A demonstrated ability to be self-motivated and capable of independent study as shown in undergraduate studies, volunteer work and/or work experience in exercise science areas will be considered.

d) For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English, a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (written) or 92 (Internet-based), or an IELTs score of 7.5, or a MELAB score of 82.

e) Two reference letters.

3. Application Deadline

Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Science
The deadline for the submission of complete applications to thesis-based programs is March 31 for September 1 admission.

Master of Kinesiology
The deadline for the submission of complete applications to the course-based program is March 1 for September 1 admission.

4. Advanced Credit

Advanced credit will be limited to two full-course equivalents with a grade of "B" or higher for students admitted to the Master of Kinesiology program. The student must request advanced credit in writing at the time of application for admission to the Faculty of Kinesiology.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the Faculty of Kinesiology requires:

Doctor of Philosophy

A minimum of three graduate-level half courses selected according to the student's background research focus and will be approved by the graduate supervisor and supervisory committee.

Master of Science

a) One graduate-level half course in statistics.

b) One graduate-level half course in research design.

Master of Kinesiology

a) A total of 5.5 graduate-level full-course equivalents.

Core Courses (Required of all students): Kinesiology 606, 615, 617, 637, 673, 690, 715, 773, 775 and 785.

b) A final oral presentation is considered the capstone event. This will be undertaken in conjunction with Kinesiology 715.

6. Additional Requirements


7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

Graduate credit may be granted for courses offered at the 500 level at the discretion of the Associate Dean (Graduate).

8. Time Limit

Doctor of Philosophy
Expected completion time is four years.
Maximum completion time is six years.

Master of Science
Expected completion time is two years.
Maximum completion time is four years.

Master of Kinesiology
Expected completion time is 16 consecutive months commencing in September.
Maximum completion time is six years.

9. Supervisory Assignments

Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Science

Supervisor(s) must be identified at the time of admission for thesis-based programs. Within three months of admission, the student and supervisor(s) must select a supervisory committee according to the Faculty of Graduate Studies’ procedures. The composition of the supervisory committee must be approved by the Associate Dean (Graduate).

Master of Kinesiology
Not applicable.

10. Required Examinations

Doctor of Philosophy

a) Doctoral Candidacy Examination will occur after a student’s research proposal is approved by the Supervisory Committee and Associate Dean (Graduate). The Candidacy Examination has both written and oral components. The student and supervisor select one of the two formats for the written portion of the examination:

i) A closed book, six-hour examination administered on one-day in two three-hour blocks will be invigilated by the supervisor. The supervisor will provide the student with five questions determined by the Candidacy Examination Committee. The student will answer four out of five questions. The written answers are circulated to the Candidacy Examination Committee immediately after the written examination concludes.

ii) The Candidacy Examination Committee will determine five questions to be distributed to the student four weeks before the Oral Candidacy Examination. The student will prepare a written paper for four of the questions and submit a copy of each paper to each examiner one week before the Oral Candidacy Examination. Each paper should be a maximum of twenty double-spaced pages.

Oral Candidacy Examination: The basis of the Oral Candidacy Examination will be the written examination, general knowledge and the thesis topic. The Oral Candidacy Examination will occur seven (7) days after the written component concludes. Both the written and the oral components of the Candidacy Examination must be found acceptable in order to receive a Pass.

b) Doctoral Thesis Oral Examinations are administered according to the Faculty of Graduate Studies’ procedures and are open examinations.

Master of Science

Master’s Thesis Oral Examinations are administered according to the Faculty of Graduate Studies’ procedures and are open examinations.

Master of Kinesiology

Not applicable.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Science

Each thesis-based student drafts and presents a research proposal to his/her supervisory committee prior to commencing data collection.

The proposal consists of:

a) Background information from the scientific literature, including a critical evaluation of previous work.

b) A clear statement of the objectives of the proposed research program.

c) An analysis of the methodology to be used in the implementation of the proposal.

d) An indication of the contributions to scientific knowledge that should result from the candidate’s research.

The supervisory committee may limit the length of the proposal, and must officially approve it before it is submitted to the Faculty of Kinesiology, Associate Dean (Graduate).
Students whose research involves human subjects must receive approval from the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board before beginning data collection. Research with animals must receive approval from a University Animal Care Committee.

Master of Kinesiology

Not applicable.

12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

Doctor of Philosophy

Evidence of external financial support in accordance with the Faculty of Kinesiology Graduate Program requirements must be provided before admission. This external funding must be in the form of a Supervisor’s Grant, external award(s), government funding, etc.

Master of Science

Students are encouraged to apply for external awards, government funding, etc.

Financial assistance may be available to qualified thesis-based students in the form of Graduate Assistantships (Teaching).

For information on other awards, please contact the Faculty of Kinesiology Graduate Program.

14. Other Information

Initial enquiries should be directed to Faculty of Kinesiology Graduate Program.

15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

Current faculty and their areas of research interest can be found at .