Instruction offered by members of the Haskayne School of Business.
Graduate Courses
Entrepreneurship and Innovation601
Entrepreneurial Thinking
Business leaders are challenged to think entrepreneurially 鈥� to seek opportunities and find ways to turn opportunities into viable ventures. These may be for-profit, not-for-profit, or social ventures. Students will engage in experiential learning to complete a feasibility assessment of such an opportunity, including the concept of giving back to society. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0)
Focuses on identifying and successfully exploiting opportunities by applying research and analytical tools. Some of the topics covered include design thinking and business modelling. Course Hours:1.5 units; (3-1T) Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Master of Management program.
Focuses on innovation in different organizational contexts (e.g., established and start-up organizations, public and privately owned, or government and not-for-profit). Course Hours:1.5 units; (3-1T) Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Master of Management program.
Legal principles impacting business decisions regarding new venture creation, growth and routine business operations. Topics may include: corporate structure, directors' and officers' liability, financing, intellectual property law, contracts and regulations. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Antirequisite(s):Credit for Entrepreneurship and Innovation 731 and 797.02 will not be allowed.
Designed to leverage innovative and effective ideas so as to take advantage of opportunities, effectively incorporate innovation and entrepreneurship throughout the organization, and create an environment where new ideas that add value must be an organizational priority. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Doctor of Business Administration program.
An experience-based course covering the prestart-up stage of business development through group projects and case studies designed to provide experience-based skill development in creativity, idea generation, and feasibility analysis. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0)
Approaches to advising new and existing ventures on effective venture development. Projects will involve the student conducting analysis of several ventures and providing advice to them. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Marketing 601 or consent of the Haskayne School of Business.
Study and discussion of current research literature and contemporary issues on topics related to Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Course Hours:3 units; (3S-0) MAY BE REPEATED FOR CREDIT
The process of taking a technology product or service from development to the market, including market strategies, finding investors and potential early customers, the role of advisors, legal issues and the importance of the exit strategy for founders and early stage investors. Students will be required to complete a major project to write a feasibility study for a new technology or a case study of a successful technology venture. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0)
The dynamics of innovation as the primary driving force within firms and modern industrialized economies. Potential concepts are: incremental versus radical innovations, market-pull versus technology-push theories, dominant designs, technological trajectories, key factors for successful innovation. The emergence of new technologies; the importance of national and regional innovation systems; the role of science, regulations and social pressure in innovations dynamics; knowledge management; and implications for firms in rapidly changing industrial settings may be discussed. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Also known as:(formerly Entrepreneurship and Innovation 797.03)
Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Intensive study and discussion of current literature and research with respect to selected, advanced topics in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. May include formal academic or applied research project. Course Hours:3 units; (3S-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the Haskayne School of Business.